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The Fake News Media has no shame. They will do anything to hide the mistakes of the Left.

That’s what makes this wild claim about Joe Biden from an MSNBC host so shocking.

It’s an unfortunate reality that Americans can expect to be given spin on the news rather than just the facts when they turn on the news today.

In fact, it’s gotten so bad, that even the anchors and hosts for the Fake News Media believe the outrageous propaganda they are spewing.

MSNBC is one of the worst offenders, and their host Mike Barnicle truly exposed how detached from reality he is along with the rest of the propagandists throughout MSNBC, CNN, and others.

Mr. Barnicle tried to claim recently, live on air, that Joe Biden is in better shape than a young 45-year-old man in America today.

And he believes that Joe Biden is being mistreated because Biden is apparently actually the glue of democracy in America today, according to Barnicle.

“Very few of us, very few in the media, really pay enough attention to the weight that this president carries each and every day. You mentioned most of it. Right now, he is carrying two twin towers of tyranny,” he said appearing on the Morning Joe show this week.

“One in Donald Trump here domestically, the other Bibi Netanyahu in Israel, who’s perhaps the biggest obstacle to a two-state solution that exists today. So the president has that on his plate,” he surprisingly continued to claim.

He went on to say that because no one can understand the weight of what being the President of the United States is like, essentially no one should be critical of Joe Biden for the poor job he is doing or call it out for what it is.

“None of us can comprehend the weight of the presidency, every hour of every day. And as he would tell you if he were here today, it’s amazing how every country in the world looks to the United States for help, for solutions, for just almost anything you can think of. Every single day,” the MSNBC employee ranted.

He added that newspapers are constantly talking about the fact that Joe Biden is by far America’s oldest President considering he is over the age of 80 now. That’s simply true, but Barnicle seems to not appreciate the facts being discussed in determining whether Joe Biden is fit for office.

“But you read every newspaper in the country, read every newspaper in the country about President Biden, within the first two paragraphs they’ll point out he’s in his 80s. No kidding. He knows how old he is,” Barnicle went on to say.

Then he made the outrageous claim that someone at the age of 45 couldn’t do what Joe Biden does on a daily basis.

“You couldn’t do it. I couldn’t do it. Someone 45 years of age couldn’t do what he does every day, but he does it,” Barnicle laughably claimed.

Of course, the MSNBC host got utterly blasted for this hilariously bad take as soon as the public caught wind of it.

Many were quick to point out that there are individuals in their 70s who are in way better shape than Joe Biden is from a mental capacity standpoint. It has nothing to do with age at all.

There are plenty of men and women in their 80s who are in much better shape than Joe Biden, particularly when it comes to putting together three sentences without losing a train of thought like Biden seems to anytime he doesn’t have a teleprompter.

And we’re supposed to believe that no 45-year-old person could do what Joe Biden does? Are you kidding?

This is the sort of propaganda that Americans are sick of. And we will continue to call it like it is because it’s simply rubbish.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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