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The Biden corner has been trying to save face. But the truth is out.

And now a President Biden ally has dropped breaking news that his campaign is done for.

In a recent appearance on NewsNation’s Cuomo, Democratic strategist James Carville confidently predicted that President Joe Biden will soon withdraw from the presidential race. Carville expressed this certainty during his conversation with host Chris Cuomo, citing growing concerns about Biden’s age and performance in his recent debate with former President Donald Trump as primary factors.

The increasing anxiety over Biden’s ability to maintain his role has led to prominent voices within the Democratic Party urging the president to step down. Carville suggested that Biden and his family are likely to make this difficult but necessary decision in the near future.

“He’s going to come to the conclusion that this is just not a good idea. And he’s going to resist it and he’s going to listen to his family,” Carville said. “It’s all the same. ‘We blame the staff, then we blame the media. Then it’s the elites in the Democratic party.’ Do I look elite? What the hell’s elite about growing up in rural south Louisiana and going to LSU? And this is all across the country and I understand it’s all predictable and he’s got to go through this. And he’ll get there soon as opposed to later.”

When Cuomo probed Carville on the source of his confidence regarding Biden’s imminent decision to exit the race, Carville responded, “You know, Chris … I don’t predict things. I’m just telling you, it’s inevitable. He will come to the conclusion. People will get the message to him. He will understand. His family will understand. They’ll pray on it and they’ll make the right decision. I don’t have any doubt about it but while we dilly-dallying around here, somebody’s got to think of where we go from here.”

In the broader context of potential replacements, CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten remarked that Vice President Kamala Harris might be a viable candidate, especially from the perspective of Democratic donors. Enten highlighted Harris’ stronger performance with independent voters compared to Biden.

“If you take a look at the average of polls, in fact, she does slightly better than Joe Biden against Donald Trump,” Enten noted. “While Joe Biden is trailing Donald Trump by three points nationally in an average of polls, Kamala Harris is only trailing Donald Trump by a single point. And the reason for that is, remember, we have the left part of this country, Democratic, we have the right part of this country, Republican, but elections tend to be won in the middle, among independents.”

Carville has previously characterized Harris as the “most predictable politician I’ve ever seen,” whereas Cuomo has suggested that she might be Biden’s Achilles’ heel. As the situation continues to evolve, the Democratic Party faces crucial decisions regarding its leadership and future direction.

A Dazed, Defiant President Joe Biden Digs His Heels

This interview and prediction from James Carville is coming right on the heels of Joe Biden sending a letter to Democrats everywhere saying that he is staying in the race and doesn’t want anyone questioning him again.

He says that it is “time to come together, move forward as a unified party, and defeat Donald Trump.”

However, there are still plenty of Democrats who are skeptical that Joe Biden can make it to the November election and whether he even should.

Some of the most Trump-obsessed and rusted on Democrat loyalists are saying that it is time for Joe Biden to step aside. Including pop culture figures who would usually never dare say anything critical of anyone with a “D” next to their name, like author Stephen King.

The comments from James Carville are clearly in contradiction with what the sentiment the Joe Biden corner is trying to put forth right now. There’s been zero indication that there’s been any consideration within the Biden administration and or Biden campaign that he would ever step aside.

And yet, the rumors continue to grow louder. The ABC rumor didn’t accomplish any silencing of the crowd, the MSNBC call-in interview didn’t help, and his “letter” to the world didn’t help either. No doubt, this is an odd moment in history.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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