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The Biden administration is intoxicated with executive power. The legislature wants to put that to an end.

And now Congress has put Joe Biden on notice for his blatant war on the U.S. Constitution.

Executive overreach has become a real problem for American politics over the past several decades. With every White House administration, it seems as though the executive branch just becomes more and more powerful, leaving the other two major branches of federal government completely left in the dust.

Just look at how many three or four letter agencies that are under the purview and control of the executive branch, and ultimately, the White House. Many of these are now being used by whoever is in the Oval Office to legislate by executive order.

That is especially true for Joe Biden and company. They’ve gone way beyond what any president has before in abusing executive power.

Take a look at the ATF. The Biden administration has been using the ATF to effectively legislate with the stroke of a pen by trying to use new rules and regulations to turn Americans into felons overnight.

How are they doing that? Well by simply saying anyone putting a certain accessory on their gun is a felon if they don’t get it registered with the ATF as an NFA-regulated firearm.

However, Republicans in Congress are calling out this nonsense and are laying out plans to put it to an end.

According to a new document coming out of Congress, the Republican Study Committee (RSC) is presenting a portion of its 2025 budget proposal intended to curtail President Joe Biden’s gun-control initiatives.

Citing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act and the gun registry maintained by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the RSC attacks the Biden administration for what it sees as a “crusade to infringe on Americans’ right to bear arms,” as stated in the budget request.

Republican U.S. representatives Michael Cloud of Texas, Paul Gosar of Arizona, Andrew Clyde of Georgia, Richard Hudson of North Carolina, Jeff Duncan of South Carolina, and Bob Good of Virginia have included a number of solutions in the proposal that would improve the laws pertaining to firearms.

The proposal states that “the Second Amendment serves to limit governmental overreach and to protect individuals’ rights.”

“The Left has continued its attacks on the second amendment and individual liberties, including the ATF’s billion-record gun registry that would cover 100% of firearm transactions, criminalizing millions of law-abiding gun owners overnight by making it a felony to own certain firearms with pistol braces, and the so-called ‘Bipartisan Safer Communities Act,’ which will do nothing to reduce gun violence.”

The No Retaining Every Gun In a System That Restricts Your (REGISTRY) Rights Act, which would prevent the ATF from using records to create a federal handgun registry and mandate that the organization “destroy all firearm transaction records on file,” is proposed to be implemented by the RSC in its budget.

The Clyde Stop Harassing Owners of Rifles Today (SHORT) Act, which would invalidate the ATF’s pistol brace rule, is likewise supported by the budget.

As “the most significant law” on the subject “in the last 30 years,” Biden approved the Safer Communities Act in June 2022. The federal gun control laws increased background checks for those between the ages of 18 and 21 and freed up funds for “red flag” and crisis intervention programs.

Red flag laws have come under intense scrutiny in recent years as they have been exposed to be used as yet another way for the government to be able to spy on Americans without their permission and as a violation of their constitutional rights.

A handful of states have even passed laws to ban red flag laws entirely to prevent the federal government or even state governments from being able to continue to spy on their citizens.

According to the budget proposal, the RSC is in favor of eliminating funds for the “red flag” measures found in the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.

On Wednesday, RSC Chairman Kevin Hern and Chairman of the RSC’s Budget and Spending Task Force Ben Cline will unveil the complete 2025 budget proposal, which also contains sections on cutting regulations, averting cuts to social security, and other topics.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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