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Most of the news personalities are predictably Trump haters. But no one saw this coming at all.

As a top news host just completely stunned the nation with this statement about Donald Trump.

The shtick of being a major news outlet TV host and suffering from intense levels of Trump Derangement Syndrome (also known as TDS) is getting really old, for sure.

This is obvious in the way that CNN has been in complete free-fall as a company as they continue to bleed cash left and right. They’ve been forced to try and give their TV cast a complete overhaul, letting go of some personalities who have been there for decades.

Even the most popular Trump haters like Rachel Maddow are seeing their base grow more and more tired of the Trump obsession every single month.

The network CBS is no stranger to riding on the Trump Derangement Syndrome band-waggon either. One of their major network personalities, Katie Couric, is known for constantly giving Donald Trump bad press as much as possible and never seeing the other side of the coin.

But she was just confronted in the most surprising way for her Donald Trump hatred and bias for the Leftist narrative.

Popular TV host, comedian, and political commentator Bill Maher recently had Katie Couric on his podcast on an episode that he released this past weekend. During the podcast, he put Couric on blast for being one of the news talking heads who can’t seem to understand why there’s tens of millions of Americans who are quite fond of Donald Trump.

“Here’s what happened. Here’s what people saw in America: They saw Trump killing it, killing it with the crowd,” Bill Maher started out by saying. Then he noted how there’s a stark difference there with how the Trump haters cast him in a bad light on TV.

“Then you come to a panel of six people who all just do nothing but dump on him and call him a liar. And America goes, ‘Oh, didn’t you just see that we like him?’”

Maher then hit Couric with the truth of the matter, that millions of Americans actually do believe in Trump and love him. There’s no two ways about that, no matter how much the Left hates it.

“The people loved him and what he was saying,” Maher went on to say to Couric. “And then you cut to a panel of six know-it-alls in Washington who just do nothing but talk about the name. And like, I’m all in on the negative. No one’s been harder on Trump than me,” Bill Maher added.

It’s true, Bill Maher hasn’t let Donald Trump off the hook. He absolutely is critical of some of Donald Trump’s policies, but the fact remains that he’s not going to be utterly obsessed with opposing him at all times because that erodes his integrity as a political commentator.

“But I get it and I’m bored with it. And there’s a different way to do this, I think, which is not to defend Trump, but to defend the people who still vote for him, because what they see on the other side to them is even more dangerous, because it’s very closer to home,” Maher went on to say.

Continuing with this idea, Maher noted how it’s quite reasonable for Americans to look around at their options and question who else to support other than Trump to push back on the Leftist agendas of transgenderism and outright socialism.

“‘We don’t like him, but he’s all that stands between us and madness,’” Maher said of Trump supporters to Couric. “That’s their view. I would like that view presented,” he concluded.

You can watch the clip here:

Bill Maher, like everyone else, is tired of the sh*t-throwing being normalized for news outlets. If anyone can’t see why Trump is adored by millions of Americans, they simply aren’t paying attention or are lying.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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