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Washington, D.C. bureaucrats think they can get away with anything. But now the consequences have caught up.

Because Democrats in Congress are in huge trouble after this devastating federal election report dropped.

The Democrats in Congress are up against it this election year. It’s entirely possible that they lose the White House and control of the U.S. Senate this year as Republicans seek to storm back into total control of Washington, D.C. once again as in 2016.

In the Congressional upper chamber, Democrats are defending twice as many seats as the Republicans this go round. In the White House, the Biden administration is up against horrible approval ratings and a serious lack of any popularity at all.

But the Democrats are making it worse for themselves as they continue to shoot themselves in the foot, so to speak, at every step of the way.

Take the conflict that has erupted in the Middle East since Israel was attacked on October 7th. The Democrats’ messaging on this has been absolutely laughable. You have Joe Biden giving everyone, including the United States’ top ally in Israel, mixed signals that make no sense.

Half the Democrats scream from the rooftops about how much they hate Israel, while the other half is either trying to thread the needle or stick to their guns on defending the right of Israel to defend itself against radical Hamas terrorists.

There’s a variance of opinion on the side of the conservatives in the GOP, no doubt. But it’s a real game of being the most progressive person in the room when it comes to the Democrats today, especially on this issue.

Democrats who are proclaiming that Israel is a horrible, evil regime who wants to commit genocide against everyone in the region might want to rethink their strategy based on the latest election finance reports rolling in.

In the first quarter of 2024, Democratic challengers who are pro-Israel outpaced the fundraising of incumbent “squad” members Jamaal Bowman of New York and Cori Bush of Missouri, according to recent campaign finance reports.

George Latimer, Westchester County Executive, raised $2.2 million between January 1 and March 31, surpassing Bowman’s $1.3 million, as per Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings. Bush accumulated $677,707 during the same period, while St. Louis prosecutor Wesley Bell reported $960,392.

Bowman and Bush have been vocal critics of Israel’s actions in Gaza following the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack, which resulted in approximately 1,200 casualties. Latimer and Bell, in contrast, have emphasized their support for Israel in their campaign messaging.

Both challengers substantially increased their cash reserves compared to the incumbents entering April, with Latimer and Bell reporting $3 million and $1.1 million, respectively, according to FEC data.

During the first fundraising quarter, Latimer outspent Bowman by roughly $56,000, while Bush surpassed Bell by nearly $138,000, according to campaign finance data.

A survey by the Mellman Group/Democratic Majority For Israel (DMFI) PAC released on April 4 showed Latimer leading Bowman by 17 points, with 13% of Democratic primary voters undecided. An earlier poll by MOScout and Remington in February indicated Bell leading Bush by 22 points, with 18% undecided.

Bowman’s primary for New York’s 16th Congressional District is scheduled for June 25, while Bush’s election for Missouri’s First Congressional District is set for August 6.

Both Bowman and Bush have consistently called for a ceasefire while opposing legislative measures supporting Israel and condemning Hamas and antisemitism.

Conversely, prominent pro-Israel groups such as the Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA), the DMFI PAC, and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) have endorsed Latimer and Bell.

Additionally, Bowman faced criticism for pulling a fire alarm in a Capitol office building ahead of a critical vote on government funding in late September, resulting in a misdemeanor charge.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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