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Biden’s world is crumbling down around him. Every day proves this more.

And now President Biden’s speech abruptly ended after the unthinkable happened.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators disrupted President Joe Biden’s Monday campaign event in South Carolina, urging him to press for a ceasefire in Gaza.

The president’s support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s military incursion in Gaza has eroded Democratic Party support.

The decline coincides with a decline in Biden’s support among black and Latino voters.

Biden’s speech, delivered at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, shows that his campaign is putting a premium on gaining support from black voters.

The president took the podium to loud applause on Monday, declaring that the chanting would “go to [his] head,” when demonstrators cut him off.

One protester said that if Biden genuinely cared about the lives lost at Mother Emanuel, he would call for a cease-fire in Gaza right away.

“Ceasefire now!” yelled the protesters, only to be drowned out by competing yells of “Four more years!”

A Biden supporter cheered the president on, saying, “You’re a good man.”

“Look folks, I understand their passion, and I’ve been quietly working with the Israeli government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of Gaza, using all that I can to do so,” Biden stated in reaction to the demonstrations.

Biden went on to say that the events of January 6th were somehow worse than anything we saw in the Civil War.

“We saw something on Jan. 6 we never saw before, even during the Civil War. Insurrectionists waving Confederate flags inside the halls of Congress, built by enslaved Americans,” he continued.

“They tried to steal an election. Now, they’re trying to steal history, telling us that violent mob was, and I quote, ‘a peaceful protest.’”

Unfortunately for Biden, there are some problems with his argument.

First, the Civil War cause hundreds of thousands of dead Americans from the North and South – brother fought against brother.

Second, they are the ones trying to steal history by destroying monument after monument.

But they don’t care about the facts, they only care about their sound bites.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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