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Everyone knows where CNN’s loyalties lie. But they weren’t expecting the whirlwind they were just hit with.

Because House Speaker Mike Johnson went on CNN and now all hell is breaking loose.

During a Wednesday afternoon program addressing the ongoing situation at the U.S.-Mexico border and the record-breaking amount of illegal immigrants crossing it on a daily basis, House Speaker Mike Johnson sparred with CNN host Jake Tapper.

Johnson began by rattling off a series of figures: the number of people who had crossed the border, the number of “known gotaways,” and the number of those who may have crossed without being arrested.

Tapper didn’t say anything until he heard about terrorists crossing the border.


“Jake, seven million people have come into the country since Biden walked into the Oval Office,” Johnson stated from Eagle Pass, Texas.

“And that’s a low estimate — most people believe it may be twice that high. We have nearly two million ‘gotaways’ that we know about, not to mention those who evaded capture.”

“Over 300 known terrorists apprehended at the border, trying to come in,” he went on to say.

“We don’t know how many evaded capture and detection — they’re in the country, potentially setting up terrorist cells everywhere. Fentanyl is the number one cause of death for Americans aged 18-49, flowing over the border like an open sewer.”

“Human trafficking is the number one business of the cartels here,” Johnson added.

He noted that cartels were raking in billions of dollars — “$32 million a week,” according to a local sheriff — trafficking people across the border, and President Joe Biden’s administration was doing nothing to even slow them down.

Johnson stated that Biden might enact a number of alternatives, like as executive orders, the reinstatement of the “Remain in Mexico” policy, and the suspension of “catch and release,” to stem the flood — but he did not appear interested thus far.

“So, just one note on the terrorist thing,” Tapper explained.

“There aren’t hundreds of known terrorists getting into the country, there are people whose identity have been flagged on a certain database, I just don’t want people out there thinking that there are, you know, 200 members of Hamas have flown into the country and we don’t even know about it.”

What Tapper failed to mention is that the “certain database” he mentioned has an official name: the Terrorist Screening Database, sometimes known as the “Terror Watch List.”

While no one can clearly state that everyone on that list is a terrorist, no one can declare for certain that anyone on that list is not a terrorist without adequate vetting.

And we all know that isn’t happening.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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