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The Obama and Biden camps have been warring behind the curtains. But the war just went public.

Because an Obama official ripped off his muzzle to drop this huge confession about Biden live on TV.

There’s been reports over the past year or so detailing how the former Obama administration team and campaign advisors are extremely worried that Joe Biden’s 2024 re-election campaign is being mismanaged and has a terrible strategy. In one case, there was a report that came out about how Obama officials and Biden officials wouldn’t even talk with each other at a major Democrat fundraising event that the two groups attended.

These tensions started popping up all the way back in 2022, when it was reported by the Washington Post that the Obama team and Biden team were not getting along at a big White House event that Barack Obama himself attended. Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden reportedly got along, but there’s serious divides between the two camps.

This much was made all the more evident by the information a major former Obama official just offered up to CNN during a live segment. Former Obama official David Axelrod outright called Joe Biden inauthentic.

Not only that, but he admitted that Joe Biden’s inauthenticity is likely to cost him the election this November, given Americans put a huge premium on presidential candidates being able to connect with voters.

David Axelrod Urges Biden to Embrace Authenticity in Campaign Strategy

In a recent appearance on CNN, David Axelrod, a former official from the Obama administration, emphasized the need for President Joe Biden to adopt a more authentic communication style, similar to that of former President Donald Trump. Axelrod’s comments come at a crucial time as the 2024 presidential race heats up.

According to the RealClearPolling average, Trump holds a slight lead over Biden in a national head-to-head matchup, with a margin of 0.8%. This lead extends to 2.9% when third-party candidates such as Cornel West, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and Green Party candidate Jill Stein are factored in. Axelrod believes Trump’s perceived authenticity is a significant factor in his current standing.

“Authenticity is the coin of the realm in presidential politics,” Axelrod explained to Jake Tapper, host of The Lead. “One of the reasons I think Trump has gotten as far as Trump has gotten is nobody ever says, ‘Gee, I wish Donald Trump would speak his mind.’ If you look at history, the more authentic candidate tends to win.”

Axelrod suggested that while Biden has his own form of authenticity, his tendency to use Washington’s political jargon may alienate voters. He referenced a recent segment by Charlamagne tha God on The Daily Show, highlighting the disconnect between Biden’s language and the everyday speech of ordinary Americans. Axelrod urged Biden to leverage his background from Scranton and speak more candidly about issues, potentially adopting a straightforward approach to criticize behaviors he perceives as unproductive.

Axelrod’s sentiments were echoed by Doug Schoen, a former pollster for Bill Clinton, who criticized Biden’s policies as being out of touch with the concerns of many Americans, particularly on issues like inflation and the economy. On these topics, Biden’s approval ratings are notably low, with the RealClearPolling average showing a 40% approval rating on economic issues and 35.5% on handling inflation.

During the discussion, Tapper pointed out that Biden’s combative attitude often surfaces in interactions with journalists. Axelrod acknowledged this but suggested that such energy should be redirected towards his political opponents.

“It’s misplaced, misplaced,” Axelrod said. “It should, you know, point directly at the other guy.”

As the election campaign progresses, Axelrod’s advice highlights a strategic pivot that could potentially enhance Biden’s appeal to voters by emphasizing a more genuine and relatable communication style.

The only problem for the Democrats is that Joe Biden and company seem entirely uninterested in changing their tune. They insist that everything is fine and that Joe Biden will have a cake walk to win a second term in the White House against surging former President Donald Trump.

That unwavering dedication to their existing strategy might be unwise given more and more polls are coming out showing how American voters don’t want to hear that the economy is doing well, as the Biden administration claims, when millions are struggling to keep up with inflation.

Joe Biden is making a mistake that Hillary Clinton made in 2016 that many political experts believe ended up handing the election to Donald Trump. Will the result be the same? We shall see.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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