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What happens to Donald Trump next is critical. It will shape the future of the country.

And now the top lawyer in the nation has two stunning words to say about Donald Trump.

The “politically driven” legal charges against former President Trump were criticized by professor of law Jonathan Turley of George Washington University and Fox News legal expert Gregg Jarrett recently during a segment with Fox News host Kayleigh McEnany.

According to reports, the Colorado Republican Party has challenged the disqualification of Trump from being on the ballot in the 2024 Republican primary election, which was decided by a 4-3 ruling of the Colorado Supreme Court. Turley warned that opponents have been spreading this harmful notion around the nation for months in an effort to locate a judge or court that would support it, according to Hannity guest host and ex-White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who served in the Trump administration.

“Many of us believe it is fundamentally wrong, from a historical and legal perspective. They found some justices who are willing to do this,” Turley claimed.

“That court had seven Democratically-appointed justices and three of them refused to sign on with this and said it was clearly wrong. They were able to eke out a 4-3 win in Colorado. That’s a known outlier. You have the Michigan Supreme Court following other courts in refusing to disqualify the former president. So it is ripe for the Supreme Court to review. There’s a conflict among the states, and it’s a very weighty issue here, obviously, for the country.”

Additionally, Jarrett lauded the Colorado Republican Party’s appeal.

“The Republican committee of Colorado does have standing to appeal the Supreme Court, because it’s directly harmed. As they say, denying their party’s ability to choose a candidate of its choice and I agree with Professor Turley, I suspect the Supreme Court will take this case because it is too important not to,” Jarrett stated. “I would also expect the high court to overturn the Colorado decision on the very grounds cited in today’s petition.”

To remove Trump off the ballot would be an affront to his due process rights, Jarrett said. “My goodness, he hasn’t been charged with insurrection or tried or convicted. The Colorado court removed him from the ballot by fiat.”

Additionally, Jarrett criticized special counsel Jack Smith for trying to prevent Trump from accusing anyone of politicizing the trial. In August, special counsel Jack Smith obtained a four-count indictment against Trump for his alleged attempts to challenge the 2020 election results.

“Look, many people believe, including Donald Trump, that Jack Smith’s case is politically driven, but the special counsel wants to silence Trump from arguing what he believes, so the irony should be lost on no one,” Jarrett informed McEnany.

“Smith’s accusing Trump of injecting politics into a prosecution that already reeks of partisan politics. Trump should be free to present a defense of his own choosing. That is fundamental in America, but Jack Smith is afraid of that. He wants to be both prosecutor and dictate the defense simultaneously.”

According to an April 2022 article in The New York Times, President Joe Biden reportedly advocated the prosecution of Trump and referred to him as a “threat” to democracy, expressing his dissatisfaction with the Justice Department’s probe of Trump.

Colorado is no longer the only state trying to bar Donald Trump from appearing on the Republican primary ballots. Maine joined Colorado late last week as the Maine Secretary of State decided that Trump would not be allowed to be on the Republican ballot as the primary kicks off early next year.

This is more evidence that what Turley and Jarrett were claiming on Fox News is simply true. There’s evidence that there’s a real effort on the part of Democrat operatives trying to keep Donald Trump from being able to storm his way back to the White House as he is poised to do right now as he leads every single poll.

No doubt these rulings out of Colorado and Maine are on legally dubious ground. In fact, many legal experts are saying that there’s no way that Colorado or Maine is going to get away with this because the Supreme Court of the United States simply won’t have it.

There’s immense pressure on the SCOTUS to weigh in on this issue, as there has been over the past several months. Democrats have been pressuring the SCOTUS to rule in their favor to try and bar Trump completely from being able to participate in the 2024 election at all.

However, they’ve remained mum on the issue. That silence likely won’t stand, though. With a strong 6-3 conservative majority, with three of the Justices on the bench being nominated by Donald Trump himself, it’s extremely hard to see how they would uphold in any way these legal fringe attacks on Donald Trump’s ability to win a fair election process.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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