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Donald Trump’s enemies have embraced the nuclear option. They thought they had Trump dead to rights.

But a top lawyer has shocking news for Donald Trump that you need to hear.

Alan Dershowitz is one of the top lawyers in the entirety of the United States and was even a respected Harvard Law School professor for nearly fifty years between 1964 and 2013.

To say he’s a legal heavyweight is an understatement, to say the least.

In discussing the latest news that Trump could be indicted and arrested this week on phony charges, Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax that an indictment of Trump is “prosecutorial abuse.”

He argues that there has to be a legitimate reason to bring indictment charges forward, otherwise you could charge everyone and anyone, which could see innocent people convicted.

He even went so far as to say that this sort of abuse is similar to that of the old Soviet Union’s ways of using the KGB to attack political opponents.

“You’re supposed to look at the statute book clearly and find out whether a crime has been committed and then find out who did it,” Dershowitz said to Newsmax.

He argued that the establishment hacks like the Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg as well as the New York State Attorney General Letita James have it set in their heads how they want to take down Donald Trump, regardless of whether or not he should be actually charged with a crime.

“This is the worst kind of prosecutorial abuse,” Dershowitz added.

“I hate to make analogies to the Soviet Union, but it’s very similar to what the head of the KGB, Josef Stalin said, ‘Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.'”

Dershowitz added that he has a unique perspective because he doesn’t intend on voting for Donald Trump in the 2024 election anyway.

He says that those behind this abuse are committing a “horrible injustice” and that the democracy of Americans voting for who they want shouldn’t be interfered with by a phony prosecution.

“I have a constitutional right to vote against him for the third time. That shouldn’t be interfered with by any prosecutor.”

“This is about prosecutors being able to go after anybody. And it doesn’t matter if you’re a liberal, conservative, Democrat, or Republican,” Dershowitz added.

Dershowitz also echoed some of the sentiments that Donald Trump shared regarding the radical Leftist billionaire George Soros who is behind these sham prosecutions.

Donald Trump said that George Soros is the ultimate “funder” of these establishment hacks who supposedly plan on bringing charges.

“And I think that what Soros is doing — distorting civil liberties, distorting human rights — is outrageous. And I want to be the first to attack George Soros,” Dershowitz continued.

In the eyes of the average American, Donald Trump has committed no crime and shouldn’t be charged and arrested. Doing so would be an abuse of the legal system.

But in the eyes of the establishment, Donald Trump is still guilty of winning against Hillary Clinton in 2016. Before and after the 2020 election, the Democrats and a few wacky RINOs tried to impeach Trump to keep him from being able to hold office again, but that ultimately failed.

Now they are trying to use the legal system to put the nail in the coffin of Trump’s political career because they are afraid of him being able to run against an extremely weak incumbent in Joe Biden.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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