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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is in trouble. His actions have caught up to him.

Because Chuck Schumer was just slapped with devastating news from law enforcement agencies.

The Democrats wasted no time after the 2022 midterm elections settled to start parading around their “huge win” as they cemented their control of the U.S. Senate by gaining an extra vote in the chamber.

That extra vote, however, has not worked out for the Democrats by any stretch of the imagination. If anything, the Democrats have struggled more to get anything done in that chamber than when it was split straight 50-50.

There’s many reasons for this, but poor leadership is absolutely one of the core reasons.

Chuck Schumer is ultimately responsible for that, as he is the Democrats’ chosen Majority Leader in the Senate. He has to get stuff done or he will be to blame.

Not only that, but the American people have an overwhelmingly negative view of Democrat “leadership” in Washington, D.C. in general. Whether it be the White House or the U.S. Senate.

Polls indicate that Chuck Schumer is going to have an awful time trying to survive the 2024 election cycle as Democrats are defending way more seats than the Republicans.

Now Chuck Schumer’s life was made even harder as law enforcement agencies in a critical state have endorsed a Republican running for U.S. Senate who is trying to flip a currently blue seat.

Mike Rogers is running for the U.S. Senate out of the state of Michigan, and his campaign is announcing that two dozen law enforcement officials are endorsing him in the 2024 cycle.

The law enforcement officials prepared a statement that showed their support for Mike Rogers and how he will have the back of law enforcement officials as a sitting U.S. Senator, unlike a vast majority of the Democrats in power in Washington.

“From his experience taking down criminals with the FBI to supporting the men and women in blue while radicals tried to defund the police, Mike Rogers has always been a friend of law enforcement,” some of the officials said in a prepared statement.

“We have no doubt that Mike will continue to be a vital partner in Washington, helping to secure our southern border and bring the resources law enforcement needs to keep Michigan communities safe,” they added.

Cracking down on crime by supporting law enforcement agencies has been a point of emphasis for Rogers and his campaign.

That’s a smart point of emphasis for Rogers and his team given that the Democrats are polling horrifically on the issue of law and order.

Surveys of American voters across the political spectrum show that Republicans are trusted with upholding law & order in the nation way more than the Democrats are.

That’s ironic given that the Democrats have been trying to act like anyone remotely conservative is a January 6 “insurrection” sympathizer.

Schumer and company are going to pay the price at the ballot box for demonizing law enforcement and neglecting law & order.

Whether that’s enough to flip the Senate back red will be seen in November 2024.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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