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Democrats are known for playing dirty. But what they just did crosses a line even for them.

And major Democrats could go to prison after stealing this from Republicans.

The Democrat Party has an uncanny ability to find “leaked” information from “inside sources.”

Of course, this isn’t some mistake or top-notch journalism – it’s the establishment swamp monsters funneling secret information to their political pals.

They hide beyond a shield of anonymity, and almost no one is ever brought to justice for their crimes.

But that could all change after a damning report showed Democrats were given insider access to information on Republican opponents.

Following a bombshell report from Politico exposing that a research firm hired by the DCCC improperly stole the military personnel files of many Republicans, National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) Chairman Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC) called for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) to face accountability.

“This systematic weaponization of Republican candidates’ military service against them is beyond disgusting. It is time for the DCCC to stop hiding and face accountability for their actions,” Hudson said in a statement, referring to the Politico report indicating the military personnel files of Reps. Don Bacon (R-NE) and Zach Nunn (R-IA) had been obtained using a “stolen” Social Security Number in at least one instance.

“The Department of Justice must immediately begin investigations into this matter, and if the DCCC violated the law, they should face prosecution,” the NRCC chairman added.

Following a report that revealed a “unauthorized” release of Republican candidate Jennifer-Ruth Green’s military records to Democrat opposition research firm Due Diligence Group LLC, which outed her as a victim of sexual assault in a “Democrat smear machine” attack, another Politico report revealed that other Republican lawmakers were also alerted that their military records were improperly released during the midterm campaign.

Politico reports:

Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.) was informed of the “unauthorized release” in a letter from the Air Force obtained by POLITICO. Rep. Zach Nunn (R-Iowa) said in a statement that he was told by the Air Force that his own records were also disclosed without his approval.

Bacon said Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall first told him that an internal probe revealed 11 people’s records were disclosed and that the Air Force would send the results of its inquiry to the Justice Department — while offering no further information on whether a formal DOJ investigation would result. The GOP lawmaker called for a probe of the role played by a Democratic-linked firm that the Air Force told him “inappropriately requested” his personnel records.

The DOJ declined to comment. Air Force spokesperson Ann Stefanek said “virtually all” of the 11 unapproved releases were made to the same third party “who represented himself as a background investigator seeking service records for employment purposes.”

According to Politico, the DCCC “failed to respond to a request for comment on whether it received and used materials provided by Due Diligence Group during the 2022 midterm elections.”

According to the article, the DCCC paid the opposition research business more than $110,000 between January 2021 and December 2022, according to FEC records.

This isn’t an isolated incident of Democrats using insider information they should have never been able to access.

Back in May of 2022, someone employed at the Supreme Court leaked the pivotal Dobbs v. Jackson decision before release, causing a firestorm of vandalism and violence at churches and pro-life centers.

The investigation into who leaked the decision produced no suspects, and so it will go unpunished.

Should Americans believe the DCCC will be any different?

Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.

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