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The Democrat Party is going off the rails. Now their own politicians are jumping ship.

And all hell broke loose after one Democrat defected to the Republican Party.

How many times have you heard that the Democrat Party is the party of “tolerance,” “acceptance,” and “equality”?

It’s the mantra they live by – or, more recently, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

The problem is that what they mean by inclusion and diversity is anyone who looks like them, thinks like them, and will bend the knee to the liberal orthodoxy.

It doesn’t matter if you agree with them on anything. You have to believe everything or you’re anathema to the party.

And one Democrat has faced this first hand, and now he’s telling all.

A pro-life Catholic senator in Nebraska is changing his party registration from Democrat to Republican due to the Democratic Party’s strong support for abortion.

Sen. Mike McDonnell, who had been a registered Democrat for 40 years before this week, said in a news conference that his party switch was motivated by the Democratic Party’s failure to accept his pro-life beliefs, which he said are based on his Catholic faith. He was first elected in 2016.

“Today, I am announcing I am now going to be a registered Republican in the state of Nebraska,” he declared.

While in the Legislature, McDonnell was the only Democrat to endorse a bill that would have prohibited practically all abortions in the state; the bill did not pass. He was also the sole Democrat to support a bill that forbade doctors from administering transgender medicines and operations to adolescents, which eventually passed and was signed into law.

Because of these votes, the Democratic Party of Douglas County withdrew its support for McDonnell and stripped him of his voting rights in internal county party elections. He was later censured by the Democratic Party of Nebraska.

“I asked the Democratic Party of Douglas County to respect that I’m pro-life — that I’m a member of the Roman Catholic Church and my beliefs are based on that,” McDonnell said in the news conference. “Douglas County Democrats, instead of respecting it, they decided to punish it.”

McDonnell claimed he ran for office as a “pro-life, pro-union, pro-Second Amendment” Democrat who “wanted to see how we could grow our state and reduce our property taxes at the same time.”

McDonnell noted that switching parties “is not an easy decision,” adding that his grandpa informed him when he was 10 years old that their family was three things: “We’re Irish, Catholic, and Democrats.”

“It’s never easy for someone to make this kind of decision, but what makes it easier is the people standing behind me,” McDonnell said at the announcement, surrounded by Republican lawmakers. “Over the last year, regardless of my decision switching parties, they have been so supportive.”

Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb replied to the announcement, stating that the Democratic Party will continue to promote “reproductive freedom and the human rights of the LGBTQ community.”

They basically admitted there is no room for pro-life or pro-traditional values candidates in their party.

McDonnell’s announcement will substantially shake up Nebraska politics, granting Republicans a two-thirds majority in the state’s unicameral Legislature. To overcome a filibuster, most laws require two-thirds of the vote.

Following McDonnell’s announcement, the Nebraska Republican Party celebrated its new “filibuster-proof Republican majority.”

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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