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The entire Democratic Party is rotten to its core. But some are worse than others.

And now this Democrat Senator was caught stealing money thanks to these disgusting revelations.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts believes federal lawmakers should be paid more because Congress has become the “plaything of multimillionaires and billionaires” who have enough resources to operate their businesses and do not care about getting a living salary.

Ms. Warren, speaking to Business Insider, emphasized the particular challenge of keeping two residences — one in a lawmaker’s home state or district and one in Washington — as well as the need of retaining good public servants.

“I understand that no one wants to waste taxpayer dollars, but Congress needs to be more realistic about what it takes to attract the top people to public service across the board, and how to keep them engaged throughout their careers,” she said.

Members of Congress earn $174,000 a year, which is far more than the average American earns in 2023 ($59,428, according to Forbes).

Many Americans have a negative attitude about politicians, so pay hikes for Congress are a hazardous subject.

Some Americans would object to lawmakers handing themselves more money while facing increasing costs or a stagnant minimum wage.

According to Forbes’ 2019 estimate, Ms. Warren and her husband, Bruce Mann, have a combined net worth of approximately $12 million.

The senator stated that there is a larger issue at hand, namely that only the extremely affluent will be interested in running for Congress if it is not perceived as a lucrative job in and of itself.

“Everyone working in government should be paid more: members of Congress and their staffs,” she said.

“Congress should not be the plaything of multimillionaires and billionaires who’ve already secured their fortunes and don’t care about earning a living to support their families.”

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a New York Democrat, has spoken out about the high cost of living for members of Congress and how it discourages working-class people from running for office.

It is not just Democrats.

Rep. Patrick McHenry, a Republican from North Carolina, recently told the Dispatch that a wage boost would encourage “credible people to run for office.”

“Most of us don’t have wealth,” he said.

He further stated that key members of the judiciary and executive branches earn more.

The median net worth for a Member of Congress is $1 million.

The average salary nationwide is around $57,000.

Americans aren’t buying that they are underpaid.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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