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President Biden isn’t even trying to hide from the truth anymore. He knows his cover is gone.

That’s why Joe Biden has admitted to lying to the American people on this huge issue.

The Democrats in Washington, D.C. and even some RINOs are peddling the idea that Ukraine’s fate is totally dependent on the aid of the United States of America.

Russia’s war against Ukraine is certainly awful and needs to be stopped as soon as possible, but it’s foolish to believe that even more aid paid for by the taxpayers is going to make the big difference.

This idea that America needs to play this proxy war game against Russia through Ukraine has taken a hold of the Washington, D.C. Swamp.

It’s not showing any signs of slowing down either.

The Washington, D.C. Swamp including tens of billions of dollars in additional funding for Ukraine in their most recent tax-and-spend boondoggle that was passed just before Christmas in December.

But Joe Biden doesn’t think that was remotely enough assistance.

In a shocking announcement, Joe Biden Wednesday shared with the press that the U.S. would be aiding Ukraine with an additional $400 million deal in military equipment.

“Today I’m announcing that the United States will be sending 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, the equivalent of one Ukrainian battalion,” Biden said to reporters.

“The Abrams tanks are the most capable tanks in the world.”

Biden argued that the aid should be viewed as “helping Ukraine” protect themselves and not an “offensive threat to Russia.”

However, what’s particularly interesting is what happened later in the announcement.

A reporter asked Joe Biden if the decision to provide Ukraine with 31 more tanks was a response to Germany announcing that they would be sending 14 tanks of their own.

Biden responded saying “that’s what we were gonna do all along.”

Of course, that’s a flat-out lie.

The Biden administration just last week was sharing with the media that they would not be sending those Abrams tanks as his Secretary of Defense believed it just wasn’t a good idea to do so.

NBC News had reported that the Pentagon didn’t believe that the tanks would “be a net positive for the Ukrainians given how difficult they are to operate and maintain.”

Joe Biden can’t have it both ways.

He’s either admitting to lying to the American people that there was no plan to send these tanks, just as his administration claimed in recent weeks.

Or he’s lying now saying that there was a plan all along, when in reality there wasn’t and that it’s a possibility that the reporter is right about Germany pressuring Biden.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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