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Joe Biden has gone further than any president before him. But he might’ve gone too far.

Because President Biden is about to be handcuffed after Congress made this one stunning move.

In less than one term, Joe Biden and his administration has already become one of the most totalitarian, authoritarian, and Orwellian presidential administrations in all of American history.

Simply no one has gone as far as Joe Biden and company in terms of controlling the many different three-to-four letter agencies of the federal government for a political agenda and targeting political opponents.

Ultimately, Joe Biden is the head of the entire executive branch so that includes the FBI and the DOJ. The same FBI and DOJ that quite literally raided the home of a former U.S. president without proper constitutional authority, according to some constitutional legal experts.

The FBI and DOJ has also been going after pro-life activists with the full weight of the federal government for daring to speak out against the evils of abortion. The U.S. House of Representatives has literally held multiple hearings on this issue because of how blatant the FBI and DOJ’s targeting of pro-lifers has been.

Who can forget the under-the-table memo being circulated throughout the FBI that was criticizing practicing Catholics as “radical traditionalists.” This label was given to any parents who were concerned about their kids being treated unethically in public schools and dared to go to a public school board meeting to voice those concerns.

Conservatives have been sounding the alarm about how radically authoritarian the Biden administration is becoming, and some U.S. House Representatives are trying to chip away at that tightening grip of power that Joe Biden has.

Republican Representative Mark Green from Tennessee introduced legislation on Wednesday to prevent the enforcement of a new Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) regulation that imposes stricter controls on firearm exports.

The BIS regulation, unveiled on April 30, entails several alterations to licensing policies, which firearm manufacturers, sellers, and trade associations argue will adversely affect their operations. Green, along with 11 other Republican representatives, introduced the Stop the Bureaucratic Ineptitude Shuttering Respectable and Upstanding Lawful Exporters Act (Stop the BIS RULE Act), which prohibits the utilization of federal funds for finalizing, implementing, or enforcing the regulation.

“Due to the unjust gun export pause instigated by the Biden administration, numerous business owners have already suffered immense losses,” Green remarked to the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Yet, this final regulation exacerbates the situation further. It will detrimentally impact American business owners, impede the ability of individuals abroad to defend themselves, and create opportunities for China and Russia to capitalize on.”

Key modifications in the regulation involve reducing the validity of export licenses from four years to one, introducing a licensing requirement related to “crime control,” and adopting a “presumption of denial” stance on export applications to 36 designated high-risk countries. This regulation follows a 90-day halt on new export licenses for civilian firearms announced by the BIS in October, which extended beyond 180 days.

In November, Green, along with 87 other Republican lawmakers, urged the BIS to lift the pause in a joint letter.

Green now contends that the new BIS regulation is deliberately ambiguous to enable the Biden administration to obstruct license applications. He asserts that the crime control provision empowers the administration to penalize law-abiding American firearm exporters for offenses committed in foreign jurisdictions.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) estimates that the new regulation will have a financial impact exceeding $250 million on manufacturers and exporters. Lawrence G. Keane, Senior Vice President & General Counsel of the NSSF, labeled the regulation a “wholesale attack” on an industry that facilitates Americans in exercising their Second Amendment rights.

According to the NSSF, licenses will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, considering factors such as foreign policy, national security risks, government corruption, diversion of firearms, and human rights abuses. BIS has indicated a presumption of denial for firearm export licenses to countries designated by the State Department as “at risk,” encompassing 36 nations primarily in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Southeast Asia.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo asserted that the regulation aims to bolster America’s national security by impeding criminals, terrorists, and cartels from accessing U.S.-manufactured firearms.

“Too frequently, exported firearms fall into the wrong hands, undermining U.S. national security and foreign policy interests,” Raimondo remarked. “To address this, we’re implementing strategic, targeted measures, including restricting exports to commercial entities in high-risk countries and enhancing scrutiny and monitoring of all firearms exports.”

Co-sponsors of the Stop the BIS RULE Act include Republican Representatives Andy Ogles of Tennessee, Diana Harshbarger of Tennessee, Jeff Duncan of South Carolina, Dan Bishop of North Carolina, Ben Cline of Virginia, Clay Higgins of Louisiana, Randy Weber of Texas, Lauren Boebert of Colorado, Andrew Clyde of Georgia, Aaron Bean of Florida, and Brian Babin of Texas.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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