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Joe Biden’s allies are turning on him. He can’t be defended anymore.

And now a Clinton advisor has humiliated President Biden by going on MSNBC to call him two wild words.

The Democrats were certain that Donald Trump dealing with a plethora of legal troubles and even possibly getting a conviction on his head would effectively end his campaign for a second term as president. The exact opposite has been the case. Donald Trump is as strong as ever in his campaign.

Joe Biden, on the other hand, is sinking every single day it seems. His approval ratings just hit an all-time low and there’s calls within Democrat circles that are growing louder and louder for Joe Biden to step aside. The reason is that Democrats are worried sick that the Biden experiment is over.

There’s plenty of reasons why Joe Biden’s approval ratings are so bad. You can point to the border crisis and the immigration issue as a whole, the struggling economy as inflation is yet to be put in check, and a stark rise in violent crime all over America. Americans are just worried sick about the direction of where the nation is going under Joe Biden’s “leadership.”

The allies of Joe Biden are turning on him as well and are no longer afraid to harshly criticize him. Including top Democrat strategists, as a former Bill Clinton ally has demonstrated recently on MSNBC by calling the Biden team “tone deaf.”

Former Clinton Pollster Warns Biden About Reelection Challenges Amid Key Issues

Doug Schoen, a former pollster for President Bill Clinton, issued a stark warning on Monday regarding President Joe Biden’s reelection prospects. Schoen emphasized that Biden’s current approach, which he described as “tone deaf” on critical issues, could jeopardize his chances of winning in the upcoming election.

As of Tuesday, the RealClearPolitics average of general election polls shows former President Donald Trump leading Biden by a narrow margin of 0.8% in a head-to-head matchup. This lead expands to 2.0% when including Green Party candidate Jill Stein and independent candidates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West.

Schoen attributed Biden’s declining support among black, Hispanic, and young voters to his failure to effectively address pressing issues such as the economy, inflation, and border security. “I think what Biden needs and we haven’t seen it so far, Harris, is a program to revitalize the economy, to bring down prices at the pump and the grocery store and most of all to acknowledge the pain that people of color, African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians…,” Schoen said. Fox News host Harris Faulkner interjected, “Everybody.”

Schoen agreed, elaborating, “I was speaking about the minority vote, but it is all Americans. So far, we haven’t heard it, Harris, and it is a tone deaf reaction from the White House that I think is explaining what we pick up in our polls, too, which is a precipitous decline in Biden’s support with minorities.”

Recent polls reflect a broader dissatisfaction with Biden’s performance. According to the RealClearPolitics average, only 32.8% of voters approve of Biden’s handling of immigration, while 59.5% disapprove. Regarding the economy, Biden’s approval rating stands at 40.6%, and on inflation, it is even lower at 35.8%.

The economic situation remains a critical issue, with the Consumer Price Index showing a 3.4% year-over-year increase in April, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Schoen highlighted an additional challenge with younger voters, pointing to the candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as a significant factor. “I would say that there’s an additional problem with younger voters, again all younger voters, which is the candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.,” Schoen noted. Faulkner interrupted to point out the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) resistance to Kennedy, saying, “But Democrats didn’t want him. They made it very difficult for him to stand in the room. Let’s not forget that part.”

Kennedy, who announced his independent candidacy in October, has been vocal about his issues with the DNC, accusing it of undermining voters’ sovereignty. The DNC, in turn, has accused a super PAC supporting Kennedy of illegal coordination with his campaign. Furthermore, Kennedy has taken legal action against CNN and the Trump and Biden campaigns over his exclusion from a debate hosted by CNN.

Schoen concluded with a sobering message: “No, no, and they’re still doing it, Harris, and they will continue to do it because they are afraid he will pull votes away from Joe Biden, especially with younger people. And until… I think Tammy [Bruce] is right. I wish she was wrong. I can’t say she is wrong. There needs to be a program on the economy, on inflation and on the border that is rational, nonpartisan, and responds to people’s concerns. If Joe Biden doesn’t do it, I don’t believe he will be reelected.”

Schoen’s remarks underscore the urgency for the Biden administration to address these pressing issues to improve its standing with critical voter demographics and enhance the president’s chances of securing a second term.

However, the Biden corner seems completely uninterested in changing strategies ahead of the 2024 election which is now less than five months away.

Now more and more Democrat Party officials are concerned that their hand will be forced to drop Biden at the last minute before the general election season officially kicks off.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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