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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer wields some of the greatest power in the country. But he does nothing but use it against his nation.

And now Chuck Schumer held Americans hostage with one unhinged demand.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has threatened to send U.S. soldiers to eastern Europe “in a few years” if the Senate border bill, which provides Ukraine with $60 billion in aid, is not passed.

Schumer said this on MSNBC on Monday:

We’re at a turning point in America. This bill is crucial and history will look back on it and say did America fail itself?

Why is it crucial? Well, if we don’t aid Ukraine, Putin will walk all over Ukraine, we will lose the war. And we could be fighting in eastern Europe in a NATO ally in a few years. Americans won’t like that.

President Joe Biden made the same argument two months ago, claiming that if greater help is not provided, U.S. troops will be sent to combat Russia.

“If he keeps going and then he attacks a NATO Ally — well, we’ve committed as a NATO member that we’d defend every inch of NATO territory — then we’ll have something that we don’t seek and that we don’t have today: American troops fighting Russian troops,” Biden warned.

During a private briefing with House leaders in December, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin made a similar case.

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) told them that if the aid was not approved, “very likely” U.S. troops would be sent.

Schumer stated that if the package, which would also provide Israel $14 billion, is not passed, the Israeli-Hamas conflict “will go on and on and on.”

He claimed that if the United States did not provide humanitarian supplies to Palestinians in Gaza, “hundreds of thousands” would starve.

He also conceded that the border is “chaos,” despite the fact that the bill only includes $20 billion for the border, which is roughly one-third of the total cash that would go to Ukraine.

“So this is crucial for America. It’s a turning point. History is going to look over our shoulders and say, ‘Did we rise to the occasion?’” Schumer continued.

Schumer lauded Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and attempted to blame former President Donald Trump for the bill’s rising Republican opposition in both the House and Senate.

He further threatened that things would get “worse” if the law was not passed.

“To his credit Mitch McConnell did, but too many Republicans, including Speaker [Mike] Johnson are just scared to death of Donald Trump. Donald Trump has said he wants chaos. Donald Trump has said well wait till I become president that will take at least a year. Ukraine could be gone. The border will get much worse. War in the Middle East will get worse, maybe bringing us into it,” he argued.

No, Chuck, we’re not scared of Trump. We want a nation with borders.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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