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The Democrats like to wheel and deal behind closed doors. They hate when the skeletons in their closet are found.

And an outrageous photo of this top Democrat sends shockwaves across the nation.

Certain Republicans have tried to downplay the culture war and concerns over the Left’s radical cultural assaults.

Meanwhile, Democrats make a mockery of everything conservatives hold dear and do everything they can to push that attitude and outlook on the children of this nation.

But more and more, the conservative movement has been taking on “Woke” policies and people.

Whether it’s tanking Anheuser–Busch’s flagship Bud Light or forcing target to take transgender merchandise for kids, Republicans have put a few victories under their belt.

And now they’re coming for someone with some real political power.

Andy Beshear, the Democratic governor of Kentucky, is facing global scrutiny ahead of his reelection bid in 2023 after a photo of him smiling with an anti-Catholic hate group went viral online.

Beshear is pictured with local members of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (SPI). The news comes amid a massive condemnation of SPI for public acts of sacrilege and blasphemy against the Catholic Church.

The photo was shot in February 2020 during a statewide LGBTQ rally, where Beshear made history as the first sitting Kentucky governor to speak.

It shows him with five members of the local chapter of the “Kentucky Fried Sisters.” One “Sister” dressed in a KFC chicken bucket molded to seem like a nun’s habit. Others dressed up in outfits designed to criticize Christianity, such as devil horns.

Sebastian Kitchen, Beshear’s then-spokesman, justified the photo as the governor’s approach of promoting inclusivity. Kitchen went on to say that Beshear should not be stigmatized for simply taking a photo with Kentucky residents.

The photo has piqued the interest of Beshear’s Republican opponent, Daniel Cameron, who is running for governor in November.

“The fact that [Beshear] would host an anti-Christian hate group that makes fun of people of faith is disqualifying,” Cameron tweeted. “This November, he’s going to have plenty of free time to hang out with those people, but it won’t be in the state capitol.”

Cameron also mentioned the image in an interview with Fox News Digital. “This is just another example of how out of touch Andy Beshear is with our values. He’s the governor of Kentucky, not California.”

Beshear’s reelection campaign spokesperson Alex Floyd sought to defend the photo, claiming Cameron was exploiting it to incite hate and divide in Kentucky. Floyd then attempted to defuse the situation by suggesting that Cameron look into the troubling pardons of child rapists issued by former Republican Gov. Matt Bevin.

Beshear asserted this year at a rally that he is following his Christian religion by promoting inclusivity.

“My faith teaches me three things: No. 1, we are all children of God, all of us. Second, we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. And third, everyone is our neighbor,” he said. “No exceptions.”

Even now, despite widespread public and media condemnation, Kentucky’s Democratic governor has shown no regret about the photo.

He told local NBC affiliate WLWT last week that he would be willing to take the photo again.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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