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Election interference comes in many forms. Sometimes most miss it happen right before their eyes.

And now Joe Biden’s made a sneaky change to the government to sway the outcome of the elections.

There are two issues that can dramatically change the outcome of a presidential election depending on how Americans view how well the incumbent president is handling these two issues.

They are, of course, national security and the economy.

The economy is more often discussed during election years. It is the most potent issue that Americans think about as they head to the ballot box in November every four years.

Without a solid economy, an incumbent President is truly up against it. It’s hard to overcome the disapproval Americans will have for the White House if they are hardly able to get good jobs and pay for a roof over their heads and put bread on the table.

It’s no surprise, then, that Joe Biden’s utter failure on these two issues has led to Americans harboring a seriously negative view of his job so far as the President of the United States.

The Biden administration’s fiscal policy has ruined families all over the country as inflation ravages household savings as Americans are just trying to get by and keep their mortgage or rent payments up to date.

Groceries continue to explode in prices making it increasingly difficult for people to balance their income to be able to simply feed their families. In some regions, groceries are about twice as expensive as they were just a few short years ago.

Gas prices are once again back on the rise this election year, and while they were somewhat stomachable for a few months in the last half of 2023, there’s growing concern that gas and transportation costs in general will never get back to where they were before 2021.

There’s many reasons why this has all happened. One of the major reasons is the Biden administration’s policy with the Federal Reserve of hiking up interest rates as they continue to print money out of thin air.

They’ve exploded the national interest rates to combat inflation, which doesn’t actually do anything. That’s not how economics truly works. The way to actually combat inflation is to stop printing money out of thin air so that the federal government can continue to spend the nation into oblivion.

Conveniently, the Federal Reserve under Joe Biden’s “leadership” is starting to have a change of heart about eight months out from the presidential election.

According to reports, the Federal Reserve is considering lowering interest rates for the first time in years. They say that it will likely happen at “some point this year.”

USA Today reports:

Responding to questions from committee members, Powell added, “because the economy has been so strong we think we can and should be careful” about slicing rates. He added the Fed wants “to see more good inflation readings” to feel confident that the recent pullback in price gains won’t stall or reverse.

What brought about this change of heart? At one point the Federal Reserve said they wouldn’t be lowering interest rates until they saw multiple quarters of inflation being at or under their 3% annualized target.

That hasn’t happened yet. What gives?

Joe Biden’s critics are arguing that the White House is desparate for a real “win” as the presidential election heats up and Biden faces a rematch against Donald Trump.

The White House using power as the head of the executive branch to sway outcomes of elections is a legal grey area to be sure. Some legal experts say that if it were proven in court to be true that the Biden administration was intentionally lowering federal reserve rates to get back on the good side of the voters ahead of the election cycle, it could be considered an impeachable offense.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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