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Anthony Fauci, the mastermind behind the COVID lockdowns, thought he was untouchable. But his entire career is crashing down around him.

And he could lose everything after being forced to answer to this investigation.

Dr. Anthony Fauci is a polarizing figure, to say the least.

For many on the Left, he is a symbol of heroism in courage in the face of the COVID pandemic – a public servant to be admired.

While many conservatives have seen him as a tyrannical power grabber who sent the economy and American society into a tailspin with authoritarian COVID restrictions.

Regardless of where you fall, no one can deny that Fauci was integral to pushing mask and vaccine mandates that tour this country in two.

But now he is being forced to answer for his actions thanks to the Republican Attorneys General.

As part of the GOP AGs lawsuit, Attorneys General Eric Schmitt and Jeff Landry will interview Dr. Anthony Fauci under oath for at least eight hours on Wednesday concerning Fauci’s alleged role in collaborating with Big Tech to suppress communication about COVID-19.

“We’ll be taking Dr. Fauci’s deposition tomorrow in our lawsuit against the Biden Administration for colluding with Big Tech to censor speech. We have lots of questions for Dr. Fauci,” Schmitt said in a Tuesday tweet.

The deposition began at 8 a.m. ET and will be kept confidential by court order. It is intended to be a full-day event.

A federal judge ruled last month that Fauci’s high-profile public remarks made him a key figure in the lawsuit filed by the Republican attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana.

The AGs accuse the Biden administration of “collusion” with social media companies to censor speech that could be politically damaging to the White House, such as the origin of the virus and the effectiveness of masks.

Schmitt and Landry filed the case in May, accusing top-level government officials of conspiring with the large social media corporations Meta [Facebook], Twitter, and YouTube to seek greater control “under the guise of combating misinformation”

One point they want to establish is that Fauci collaborated with Facebook and others to allay concerns that the virus originated at a lab in Wuhan, China.

“Defendant Dr. Anthony Fauci, a senior federal government official, coordinating with others, orchestrated a campaign to discredit the lab-leak hypothesis in early 2020,” Landry and Schmitt wrote in their brief. 

“As director of [National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases] NIAID, Dr. Fauci had funded risky ‘gain-of-function’ research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology through intermediaries such as EcoHealth Alliance, headed by Dr. Peter Daszak.”

“Thus, if the lab-leak theory were established, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Daszak could be potentially implicated in funding the research on viruses that caused the COVID-19 pandemic and killed millions of people worldwide,” they said.

During his final White House press briefing before retiring, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre praised Fauci’s efforts to provide the American people with “information and facts” throughout the COVID-19 outbreak.

“As you all know, Dr. Fauci is retiring next month, and I am honored – so honored – to have him join me today one more time, one last time at the podium,” Jean-Pierre remarked. “For so many Americans throughout our fight with COVID, Dr. Fauci has been a source of information and facts.”

“It’s really a great pleasure to be back here with you again, albeit I believe for the last time,” Fauci remarked before imploring Americans to get vaccinated once more.

“Every day for all those years I’ve given it all that I have, and I’ve never left anything on the field,” he concluded. “I gave it all I got.”

Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.

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