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The Biden White House is up in flames, and no one can put it out. Their latest meltdown is just adding more fuel to the fire.

Because the Biden administration has officially waved the white flag of surrender.

Karine Jean-Pierre has had her work cut out for her over the past few months.

With the Hunter Biden laptop story, Joe Biden’s classified document scandal, and revelations that the federal government colluded with Big Tech to censor conservatives, it’s been a bad time for the White House.

Reporters are finally starting to ask the White House questions, and they aren’t used to hardballs.

During Wednesday’s press briefing, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre yelled at reporters for repeatedly asking about President Joe Biden’s confidential document incident.

“Can you tell us if there’s any sort of assessment … to determine if national security has been jeopardized at all?” Jean-Pierre was asked by a reporter.

Jean-Pierre responded, “That’s for the Department of Justice.”

“Why?” the reporter inquired.

Jean-Pierre snapped back, “It’s not your decision to make on what I can or can’t answer from here.”

Jean-Pierre also dismissed requests for the administration to be more transparent about the investigation’s status.

According to one reporter, the media is always being handed around to different entities to receive answers to their queries, and each entity passes the buck to someone else.

“I’m sure you can understand that we’re in a sort of information blackout,” the reporter said. “If you are not able to talk about [the classified documents] from the podium, would you invite a DOJ official to take our questions here?”

“No,” Jean-Pierre responded.

Jean-Pierre claimed that Biden has pledged to not interfere in ongoing Department of Justice investigations, despite the fact that Biden has spoken on the DOJ’s criminal investigation of former President Donald Trump.

The reporter then asked Jean-Pierre whether she would commit to have the White House special counsel come to the briefing room to answer questions from reporters.

Jean-Pierre did not respond to the inquiry.

Jean-Pierre also got into an argument with another reporter who asked about Biden’s comments on the Trump inquiry.

“I want to reference an interview that President Biden did in mid-September with ’60 Minutes,’” the reporter said. “And in that interview, he chided former President Trump for having in his possession classified documents. He called it irresponsible.”

“First of all, do you think it was proper for President Biden to comment on an ongoing DOJ investigation?” the reporter asked.

“So, I’m gonna say this, and we’re gonna keep it really short today, as it relates to this particular issue, as it relates to an ongoing legal matter,” Jean-Pierre responded. “I’m going to refer you to Department of Justice with that specific as it relates to anything that you want to ask of us about this legal matter, I would refer you to the White House counsel office.”

“I’m going to leave it there,” she continued. “Not going to go into further.”

“I’m simply asking you to comment on the person that you work for,” the reporter responded.

“I just, I just commented,” she claimed. “I just commented. We’re moving on.”

“Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead,” Jean-Pierre said to another reporter as she frantically tried to get out of the situation. “No, go ahead.”

“I already answered your question,” Jean-Pierre said to the reporter whose question she did not answer.

“You really didn’t,” the reporter responded.

“Well, I did,” she insisted.

“No, you didn’t —” she responded.

“Well, it’s your, it’s your opinion,” she claimed. “It’s your opinion. It’s your opinion.”

Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.

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