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The Pelosi family is synonymous with the Washington, D.C. Swamp. Now Nancy Pelosi’s daughter is trying to get into the politics game.

Because the Pelosi daughter went on The View and said the most despicable thing about conservatives.

The attack on Paul Pelosi was gross and was condemned as such by pretty much everyone in both Democrat and Republican circles alike.

But that didn’t stop Democrats from accusing conservatives and Republicans of causing the attack on Paul Pelosi.

And it appears the Pelosi family isn’t done blaming conservatives for the attack on Paul either.

Appearing on “The View,” Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra implied that it’s totally fair to place the blame for such an attack at the feet of Republicans.

She said it’s because of a “trickle down” effect.

“A lot of Republicans feel that it’s not fair to say you can blame this kind of attack on the Republicans,” Alexandra Pelosi said on The View.

“My sister married a Republican. [A] nice guy, and she says, ‘You can’t blame these things on Republicans.’ I say, ‘Look, everybody who voted for Trump did not storm the Capitol on Jan. 6, but everyone who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 voted for Donald Trump,'” she ranted.

She goes on to say that while she doesn’t think her Republican brother-in-law would hurt someone, she thinks Republicans are more “susceptible” to violence, as Joy Behar agreed with her.

“I’m not saying that my brother-in-law is the kind of person who would storm into somebody’s house and attack them in the middle of the night, but the talk that is out there trickles down to people who are …,” Alexandra Pelosi said.

Then, Joy Behar interjected saying “Susceptible” to finish Pelosi’s sentence.

You can watch the full 10-minute segment below.

The idea that Republicans and conservatives are responsible for the attack on Paul Pelosi is utter horse sh*t.

The attacker, David DePape, was a radical progressive lefty who was also a nudist and just generally out of his mind.

There’s literally no connection between David DePape attacking Paul Pelosi and Republicans whatsoever.

To argue that Republicans are responsible is to ignore all of the facts of the situation.

If people are responsible for crazies who are in their camp going too far, then maybe the radical progressives should be the ones taking the heat on this one.

After all, DePape was a “pro-nudity” activist, which certainly is very conservative of him.

Or maybe the attacker should just take the blame for his actions instead. Crazy idea, right?

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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