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There was a good reason Leftists were panicking about Elon Musk buying Twitter. He wasn’t joking when he said he’d bring the truth to light.

And now Joe Biden is freaking out over Elon Musk EXPOSING the DOJ and FBI with this truth bomb.

The information revealed in the Twitter Files is really revolutionary.

And Elon Musk has more than lived up to the expectations raised by the media when he decided to buy the social media juggernaut.

Unfortunately, we now see that targeting conservatives not only took place, but that it also involved coordination on the part of the federal government.

Conservative accounts were shadowbanned, suspended, and censored in ways that even Twitter’s harshest critics would not anticipate.

A team known as the Strategic Response Team – Global Escalation Team was established at Twitter, as was reported in one of the first batches of Twitter Files published by reporter Bari Weiss (SRT-GET).

SRT-GET soon rose to prominence as one of the key Twitter operations in charge of shadowbanning conservative users and posts.

This team of Twitter censors put up a lot of effort to curtail the influence of numerous conservative accounts, and at one time was shadowbanning or deleting as many as 200 accounts daily.

It turns out that prominent conservatives have been subject to shadow bans by Twitter for years.

And in almost every instance, they did so without informing them or providing a justification.

Conservative pundits including Dan Bongino, Charlie Kirk, and The Federalist’s CEO Sean Davis were among those sent to Twitter “blacklists” in order to restrict users from accessing and viewing their accounts and Tweets, as The Federalist previously reported.

Weiss stated in her Tweets that “Twitter executives and employees call ‘Visibility Filtering’ what many people refer to as shadowbanning.'”

Twitter “used VF to block searches of individual users; to limit the scope of a particular tweet’s discoverability; to block select users’ posts from ever appearing on the ‘trending’ page; and from inclusion in hashtag searches.”

But the second release of additional “Twitter Files” revealed more than just how Twitter had long served as the Democrat Party’s censorship arm.

The disclosure also revealed that Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s former CEO, was a total fraud on the company’s shadowbanning practices.

Dorsey was adamant on numerous occasions that Twitter did not shadow ban people or any of their content because of political stances.

In reality, when Congressman Mike Doyle (D-PA) directly questioned Dorsey during a 2018 congressional hearing if Twitter was filtering or shadowbanning prominent Republicans, Dorsey repeatedly answered “No” under oath.

Additionally, we now know that Dorsey included CIA and FBI operatives in the mix in addition to lying about the actions.

The leader of Twitter’s SRT-GET censorship politburo, which shadowbans conservative accounts and content, was formerly a CIA and FBI agent.

The LinkedIn profile of Jeff Carlton, who rose to prominence as the head of Twitter’s SRT-GET team, was discovered by independent journalist Andy Ngo.

The now-defunct LinkedIn page also reveals that Carlton had held positions with the FBI, CIA, and the military intelligence branch.

According to Carlton’s LinkedIn page, his duties as SRT-GET leader included managing “crises and non-standard incidents in content moderation and customer support to promote ‘healthy public conversations'” and “resolving the highest-profile Trust & Safety escalations.”

The bottom line is that a former U.S. intelligence officer was in charge of the team at one of the biggest social media platforms on the Internet that blocked and shadowbanned conservatives.

We also know that the DOJ and the FBI participated heavily in the process, with up to 80 FBI agents taking part in the operation.

Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.

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