Top Senator defects from the Republican Party in an awful act of betrayal
Politics isn’t for the faint of heart. Backstabbing happens nearly every day.
And now a top Senator defected from the Republican Party in an awful act of betrayal.
Sen. Lisa Murkowski, a centrist Republican from Alaska who has regularly defied the party, has announced that she is considering leaving the GOP.
Ms. Murkowski has already stated that she will not vote for President Biden or former President Donald Trump, and in an interview aired Sunday on CNN’s Inside Politics, she emphasized her desire for Republicans to choose a “nominee that I could get behind.”
When asked whether she was thinking about becoming an independent, she responded: “Oh, I think I’m very independent-minded. I just regret that our party is seemingly becoming a party of Donald Trump.”
Ms. Murkowski would not rule out becoming an independent and caucusing with Republicans, as independent Sens. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Angus King of Maine, and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona do with Democrats.
“I am navigating my way through some very interesting political times,” she went on to say. “Let’s just leave it at that.”
Ms. Murkowski earned her second full term as an independent senator.
She was beaten in the 2010 Republican primary by Tea Party favorite Joe Miller, but she won a write-in campaign in November, defeating both Miller and Democratic nominee Scott McAdams.
What’s the upshot of all of this?
Not much, in reality. Murkowski has been “moderate” for many years now.
And we all know that “moderate” means that she caves to the Leftist orthodoxy of the day.
Just take a look at some of what she voted for during her tenure.
She voted for the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act,” which redefined marriage at the federal level and has unknown implications for those who hold to the traditional defintion of marriage.
She helped confirm Biden’s radical Supreme Court Justice nominee, Ketanji Brown Jackson.
And she also voted for the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which gives the federal government the power to overturn voter ID laws put in place by states trying to combat voter fraud.
Can this woman be considered a Republican by any stretch of the imagination?
Don’t believe anyone who says that this is going to affect the Republican Party’s chances in the U.S. Senate.
She wasn’t with us to begin with. Severing the tie and making it clear can only serve to help the GOP.
You can view the full clip of Murkowski on CNN below:
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