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President Biden thought no one would notice what he’s just done. It’s truly sinister.

And now a top lawyer’s gone on Fox News to eviscerate Joe Biden’s DOJ for what they’re hiding.

At the end of May, all of the attention was naturally on the Donald Trump conviction that was handed down on Thursday, May 30th in the afternoon. That alone would be enough to distract Americans from anything else that would be going on and would normally make the front page news.

Some other court news from just the day after the Trump conviction is being swept under the rug by the Fake News Media, because it has everything to do with Joe Biden and his Democrat lackeys.

While Donald Trump has been dealing with legal troubles as a result of supposedly illegally taking classified documents after leaving the White House in January of 2021, President Joe Biden been dealing with legal issues that are fairly similar. The difference is that Joe Biden has been using the federal government as a shield for his potential crimes.

In court on Friday the 31st, the Department of Justice (DOJ) entered a filing that argued that the interview Mr. Joe Biden gave to Robert Hur for his now infamous “Hur report” shouldn’t be released to the public for anyone to listen to. Just why is that?

Well, they say it’s dangerous to release the audio recording because of potential fakes known as “deepfakes” being made by people using AI. That makes absolutely zero sense though because AI can already imitate Joe Biden and anyone else for that matter. It doesn’t need the audio recordings to do so.

Not only that, but the claim made in court may be trying to defend what is ultimately an illegal move to keep this recording from the American people at all costs.

Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University (GWU), chastised the Department of Justice (DOJ) on Monday for asserting that the release of President Joe Biden’s interview audio should be blocked due to the potential for a “deepfake” caused by artificial intelligence (AI).

Politico reports that the DOJ brought up the potential for manipulative AI use in a Friday court filing attempting to prevent the publication of Biden’s interview with the office of special counsel Robert Hur. The Justice Department’s “illogical” argument, according to Turley, is nonsensical because the tape’s publication will make it more difficult to create deepfakes of the exchange.

“It is neither legally nor practically sensible to make that argument. The fact is, that if you release the audiotape, it’s going to make it easier to refute any deepfake version,” the GWU law professor shared on Fox News. “Right now, AI could produce that, because you have the transcript and part of the problem for the Department of Justice is their position has never made any sense.”

“You release the transcript as unprivileged, that you are claiming the audio version is privileged, as if this is sort of a Voldemortian ‘he who shall not be heard’ type of candidate,” Turley went on to add. “The impression is that they’re not worried about a false version of the audiotape, they are worried about the real audiotape being heard before the election. It is a transparent effort to get the court to hold the audiotape, or at least keep it in litigation, until people have voted.”

According to Judicial Watch, a public interest law organization requesting the release of the audio from Biden’s interview, the Justice Department also acknowledged altering the transcripts in the filing. On May 16, the Biden administration blocked the tape by using executive privilege.

According to an analysis of White House transcripts, the administration has made changes 148 times to correct what it deemed to be “errors” made by Biden during public remarks this year.

According to the transcript of Hur’s two-day interview with Biden, the president found it difficult to recall the day his son Beau passed away, the year that former President Donald Trump was elected, and the year 2017. Hur said that Biden was “an elderly man with a poor memory who is sympathetic and well-meaning,” but he declined to press charges.

In recent months, Biden’s age and mental health have come under increased scrutiny. Three days after claiming to have spoken with the late French President Francois Mitterrand, who passed away in 1996, Biden claimed on February 8 to have spoken with former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl about the violence at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. However, Kohl passed away in 2017.

On May 16, after Attorney General Merrick Garland declined to provide recordings of Hur’s interview with Biden about Biden’s retention of classified material while serving as a senator and vice president, the House Oversight Committee marked up a resolution to hold Garland in contempt of Congress.

It will be interesting if Joe Biden decides to pardon himself at the end of his term to prevent any future president from trying to hold him responsible for his own mishandling of classified materials dating back to his VP days.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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