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AOC has had a checkered history of using the internet to shock and garner attention. But no one was expecting her to do what she just did.

And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez EXPOSED herself for all to see in this bombshell video.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has spent her first few years in Congress peddling some of the most deranged policies the country has ever seen.

She has made excuses for Black Lives Matter rioters, saying they “have no choice but to riot.”

She has endorsed socialist redistribution of wealth and steep tax increases for each and every American to pay for her pet projects.

But one of her most insane ideas has been the so-called “Green New Deal.”

This is a collection of radical environmentalist initiatives that would outlaw, or make incredibly expensive, coal, natural gas, and oil.

She doesn’t care about the cost of these programs or that people will lose their jobs in the fossil-fuel industries because she thinks the world is about to burst into flames.

This radical idea takes many forms, and the most recent one comes in the form of her bizarrely attacking gas stoves – claiming they cause declines in cognitive performance.

Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggested gas stoves can impair “cognitive performance,” despite the fact that she appears to use one in her personal kitchen.

After a new study discovered evidence of increased pollution and potential hazards of respiratory disorders, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CSPC) is allegedly mulling a statewide ban on gas stoves.

Ocasio-response Cortez’s came in response to Republican Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson’s call to the Biden administration to “come and take” his gas stove.

“Did you know ongoing exposure to NO2 from gas stoves is linked to reduced cognitive performance,” she wrote.

A 2009 study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology indicated that nitrogen dioxide exposure from gas stoves can harm a child’s “neuropsychological development” in the first four years of life, according to the New York representative.

Despite her antagonism toward gas stoves, a screenshot of an Instagram story Ocasio-Cortez shared in Feb. 2022 shows a gas stove in her kitchen. She has also often recorded herself cooking on a gas stove.

The representative also proposed that a federal ban on gas stoves could be modeled after New York City’s policy, which requires new buildings to use only electric stoves while allowing residents who already have gas stoves to keep them.

She also suggested granting tax breaks and incentives to encourage Americans to transition from petrol to electric vehicles.

Democratic New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker and 20 other Democrats petitioned the CSPC in December to decrease the number of gas stoves owing to disproportionate amounts of pollution in low-income and minority neighborhoods.

According to the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, gas-burning stoves are found in 35% of American households and responsible for 12.7% of childhood asthma cases.

The American Gas Association stated in December that prohibiting the use of natural gas in homes could raise the cost of housing because electric appliances require costly retrofits, affecting lower-income households.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), installing a fan ventilation system above the stove can significantly minimize pollution risk.

Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.

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