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The constant prosecutions from the Left are aimed at one thing: to end Trump’s run in 2024. This could change things for good.

Because a Trump ally pled guilty and now chaos is erupting.

Sidney Powell, a former Trump attorney, pled guilty to six misdemeanor charges in a Fulton County courthouse in Georgia on Thursday.

The six counts of conspiracy to commit intentional interference with the performance of election responsibilities included a total suggested penalty of six years’ probation, a $6,000 fine, and an extra $2,700 restitution payment to the state.

She also committed to deliver a written letter of apology to the people of Georgia as part of her punishment and to give “truthful testimony” at any future hearings and trials involving additional defendants.

Powell is one of 19 people indicted in Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ August indictment.

Powell’s case has been handled separately from the others, in collaboration with attorney Kenneth Chesebro.

The two had asked the court to segregate their cases from the bigger group and have them tried as individuals.

Judge Scott McAfee approved their request in part, but stated that they must be tried as a pair in order to expedite the trial.

Chesebro’s trial is set to begin on Friday.

Former President Donald Trump, former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, former Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, and many others are among the accused.

The case is one of four criminal indictments filed against Trump, who is also facing accusations in New York City, Florida, and Washington, D.C.

Trump has been in Manhattan court for a civil trial brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James, who accuses Trump of fraud.

Trump has attended court in Manhattan for portions of the trial while simultaneously traveling the country, giving speeches and conducting rallies for his presidential candidacy in 2024.

Last month, Judge Arthur Engoron concluded that Trump and the Trump Organization committed fraud while constructing their real estate empire by deceiving banks, insurers, and others by overvaluing their properties and exaggerating their net worth on documentation used in making agreements and securing financing.

Engoron’s decision came after James filed a lawsuit against Trump, his children, and the Trump Organization, alleging that the former president “inflated his net worth by billions of dollars,” and that his children assisted him in doing so.

Trump has pled not guilty to the allegations leveled against him.

And it’s yet to be seen whether recent events will help or hurt the president.

But one thing is for certain, the Democrats are out for blood.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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