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Donald Trump is the master of political debates. His ability to throw his opponents off their footing is a challenge to even the strongest.

And Donald Trump was challenged to a presidential debate and now Democrats are worried sick.

Conservatives everywhere can remember when they first saw Donald Trump take the debate stage during the 2016 election.

He was able to go from never holding political office to taking down seasoned debaters and politicians left and right.

And when he was matched up against Hillary Clinton, he delivered zinger after zinger.

One of his biggest show-stopping moments was his famous “you’d be in jail” comment:

Knowing all of this, anyone who takes him on should know that it is no easy task. But one presidential candidate doesn’t care.

On Tuesday, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. renewed his request to confront former President Trump, proposing “perfect neutral territory” at the upcoming Libertarian Party convention as the site.

In a statement on X, RFK Jr. admitted that both he and Trump have already been booked to speak at the conference on May 24 and 25 in Washington, D.C.

“It’s perfect neutral territory for you and me to have a debate where you can defend your record for your wavering supporters,” Kennedy wrote to the president.

“You yourself have said you’re not afraid to debate me as long as my poll numbers are decent. Well, they are. In fact, I’m the only presidential candidate in history who has polled ahead of both major party candidates in head-to-head races.”

“So let’s meet at the Libertarian convention and show the American public that at least two of the major candidates aren’t afraid to debate each other,” he added.

“I asked the convention organizers and they are game for us to use our time there to bring the American people the debate they deserve!”

Kennedy expressed gratitude to Trump for “bringing attention to the rigged polling methodologies that biased DNC-influenced media have used against you.”

“We have this concern too, and I’m happy to show you the deceptive methodologies used by DNC-allied pollsters who pretend that I’m in single digits. You have correctly characterized these as ‘fake polls,'” he said.

Kennedy referred to polling results from Zogby, an analytics firm he hired. The independent presidential contender stated that the survey shows Trump defeating President Biden “handily” in a head-to-head fight.

“I crush him as well, by even more. And against each other, I beat you in a nail-biter,” RFK Jr. stated.

“In a three-way, you are ahead but I’m coming up strong. Two new polls (CNN and Quinnipiac) have me above the 15% debate threshold. Another (Activote) has me at 26% among young voters. And you and I are tied among America’s 70 million Independents.”

RFK Jr. stated that he is also gaining backing from former Trump supporters who are “upset that you blew up the deficit, shut down their businesses during Covid, and filled your administration with swamp creatures.”

Six months before Election Day, Biden and Trump, the likely Democratic and Republican nominees, are locked in the first fight in 112 years between a current and past president for the White House.

In recent weeks, Kennedy has repeatedly challenged Biden and Trump to debate him, trying to pull his independent candidacy into the mainstream.

Kennedy’s campaign is still committed to have him on the ballot in all 50 states. The Hill reported that RFK Jr. is currently on the ballot in ten states.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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