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The Democrats thought they had Donald Trump dead to rights. But House Speaker Kevin McCarthy isn’t going to let them get away with it.

And now Kevin McCarthy has Democrats reeling with this major announcement about Trump.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has been quite the surprise for both major political parties in Congress.

Democrats thought he’d be a pushover and wouldn’t actually work to get any conservative legislation passed or use his power to secure wins for the conservative base.

Likewise, some Republicans were worried that McCarthy would end up being a weak Speaker who would sell out the conservative base to cut deals in Congress.

But the reality is that McCarthy has been dead serious about fulfilling promises that he made before the midterm elections and after.

Already we’ve seen Kevin McCarthy and his fellow Republicans pass major legislation with the Lower Energy Costs Act (H.R. 1) that would cut bureaucratic red tape of energy production and help America become more energy independent.

One of the promises that McCarthy has also been working on is the promise to hold Joe Biden and the Democrats accountable for their politicization of the justice system against political opponents.

As you likely know, Americans have been stunned by the Manhattan DA’s office bringing indictment charges against Donald Trump for what many believe is simply a political vendetta that the DA Alvin Bragg has against Trump.

Well, McCarthy isn’t happy about this injustice.

Kevin McCarthy took to Twitter to announce that he would be holding Alvin Bragg’s “unprecedented abuse of power to account.”

“Alvin Bragg has irreparably damaged our country in an attempt to interfere in our Presidential election,” McCarthy began.

The House Speaker noted how the Manhattan DA office regularly lets violent criminals off the hook, but is dead set on throwing Trump behind bars on phony charges.

“As he routinely frees violent criminals to terrorize the public, he weaponized our sacred system of justice against President Donald Trump,” he continued.

“The American people will not tolerate this injustice, and the House of Representatives will hold Alvin Bragg and his unprecedented abuse of power to account.”

If the Democrats push the envelope here and try to get Donald Trump thrown behind bars, it could mean political war that the Democrats don’t necessarily want to invite.

Recent history tells us that the conservative base will get extremely fired up if that happens and it could launch a backlash against the Democrats that ultimately hurts them more than they won with putting Trump behind bars.

Just consider how Barack Obama abused the political system to get his Obamacare passed, and in 2010, the Republicans overwhelmingly took back the House.

Then in 2014, after years of Obama’s extremism, House Republicans took firm control of the U.S. Senate as well. In those last couple years of the Obama administration, the Republicans in Congress passed major conservative bills like the 2015 tax cuts.

That set up Trump for success when he beat Hillary in 2016 and allowed him to enjoy a deep red Republican Congress for the first two years of his Presidency.

Kevin McCarthy knows that he can’t do anything drastic to the Manhattan DA’s office to take his train off the track. But he knows that if the Democrats overplay their hand here, there will be a major backlash that they never saw coming.

McCarthy will do what he can to prevent this injustice from going any further, no doubt.

But holding these radical Democrat lackeys accountable is also a long game.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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