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Biden and the Democrats live in fantasy land. They can’t grasp that their radical policies will never work.

And Joe Biden got SMACKED with a reality check from the last person he expected.

President Biden and his pals in Congress have been sending billions and billions of dollars over to Ukraine since Russia invaded in February of 2022.

Nearly everyone agrees that Putin’s invasion is wrong and Ukraine ought to fight back.

But Republicans have grown worried over the seemingly blank check Biden and the Democrats have cut Ukraine when it comes to military aid.

We have to face reality here – we are a nation in debt to the tune of $31 trillion.

Russia is a nuclear superpower with more nuclear warheads than the any other nation in the world.

Saber-rattling isn’t going to stop this conflict, it’s going to make it worse.

And Vladimir Putin just upped the ante by threatening to deploy nuclear weapons in neighboring Belarus.

The Kremlin downplayed Western criticism of Russia’s intention to place nuclear weapons in Belarus.

Russian President Vladimir Putin made the statement this week in an interview with Russian state media, stating that Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, a close ally, had consented to the deployment, which alarmed Western countries allied with Ukraine.

“Obviously, such a reaction cannot affect Russia’s plans,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said Monday.

The Russian president stated that the move was made in response to the United Kingdom’s plan to supply Ukraine with armor-piercing bullets containing depleted uranium. It is an attempt to dissuade the United Kingdom and its NATO partners from maintaining military backing for Ukraine, and it is another example of Putin’s nuclear bluster since Russia’s incursion last February.

“We’re just going to have to watch and see where this one goes,” National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said on CBS. “We have not seen any indication that he’s made good on this pledge or moved any nuclear weapons around. We’ve, in fact, seen no indication that he has any intention to use nuclear weapons, period, inside Ukraine.”

He also denied Russia’s contention that depleted uranium shells represented any nuclear escalation.

“There is no radioactive threat from depleted uranium rounds,” he added. “They’re common on the battlefield. Even Russia uses similar rounds. So, if that is, in fact, the justification, it’s a stake through a straw man.”

Putin insisted that the Kremlin would keep control of the nuclear weapons while they were in Belarus.

“We have not seen any reason to adjust our own strategic nuclear posture nor any indications Russia is preparing to use a nuclear weapon,” State Department spokesman Vedant Patel said in a statement to CNN, adding that the department will “continue to monitor the implications.”

Tactical nuclear weapons are small nuclear warheads designed for close-range military usage or a limited strike. Putin has frequently flaunted his nuclear arsenal in order to deter the West from intervening more forcefully to stop his invasion of Ukraine, despite publicly denying claims that he would consider using a nuclear weapon in Ukraine if it guaranteed his ability to take the Eastern European country by force.

Putin’s soldiers also invaded Ukraine from Belarus, its northern neighbor, because it provided a faster route to Kyiv, however the attempt to depose Kyiv proved futile in the early months of the war, and Moscow refocused its military in the country’s east.

Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.

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