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The state of the economy has been a real pain point for the Biden admin. They’re doing everything they can to cover it all up.

But now Joe Biden’s been caught in a huge lie that changes everything.

When gas prices started to soar in March earlier this year, it put the Biden administration under more water than they could already deal with.

Approval ratings tanked as Americans watched their transportation costs skyrocket at the gas pump.

This led to drastic, short-sighted actions on the part of the Biden admin such as draining the oil reserves in a bid to get the price for a gallon of gas to come back down to earth.

But to add insult to injury, OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) announced they would be cutting oil production in droves.

In July, when gas prices were at near all-time highs, Biden made a trip to Saudi Arabia that Joe Biden and the White House claimed multiple times it had nothing to do with oil.

Though, a new report indicates that was a flat-out lie.

Not only did Biden make a backdoor deal for increased oil production, but Saudi Arabia even backstabbed Biden on their under-the-table deal.

Saudi Arabia would eventually vote to cut oil production, against what they had told President Biden.

The New York Times reports:

As President Biden was planning a politically risky trip to Saudi Arabia this summer, his top aides thought they had struck a secret deal to boost oil production through the end of the year — an arrangement that could have helped justify breaking a campaign pledge to shun the kingdom and its crown prince.

It didn’t work out that way.

Mr. Biden went through with the trip. But earlier this month, Saudi Arabia and Russia steered a group of oil-producing countries in voting to slash oil production by two million barrels per day, the opposite of the outcome the administration thought it had secured as the Democratic Party struggles to deal with inflation and high gas prices heading into the November elections.

The New York Times report also indicates that the Saudis “rejects” the allegations.

Though the Biden admin says the betrayal was as clear as day.

Either way, one thing we do know is that the Biden administration lied to the American people.

Just earlier this month the White House swore that the meeting with the Saudis had nothing to do with oil at all, but that claim is incompatible with the idea that they were betrayed by the Saudis.

It seems most likely that the White House was legitimately betrayed by the Saudis, but that’s what happens when you prepare unofficial, backdoor deals with reluctant allies like Saudi Arabia.

This all exposes, even more, the Biden administration’s failures on the international stage, which was already a major pain point for the Democrats.

Combine that with the gas prices that continue to stay as high as they were during the first Obama term, and it’s a failure of epic proportions.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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