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Tucker Carlson is definitely the most popular Fox News personality right now. That’s mostly because he’s unafraid to say it like he sees it.

And now Tucker Carlson has Dr. Fauci dead to rights with what he just exposed on his show.

Fauci made one final appearance in the White House press briefing room before riding off into retirement.

Fauci received no harsh questions from reporters during the press conference, even though he lied every step of the way during the COVID pandemic.

But if he thought that would be the end of it, he has another thing coming his way.

Carlson listed all of Fauci’s lies concerning masks, vaccines, and lockdowns on his show.

“When the COVID pandemic began in early 2020, everyone wanted to be Tony Fauci. We did and had him on the show, actually, and then he started lying in ways so obvious that you could not ignore it, you began asking what is this about? The guy in charge of the COVID response is lying about COVID, why? ” Carlson asked on his show.

“He lied about herd immunity, then he lied about masks, then he repeatedly lied about vaccines. You can’t lie if you’re a public health official, but he kept doing it. Today, Tony Fauci, who is now 81, held his last press conference, and appropriately enough, he decided to tell one final lie about masks.”

Carlson then highlighted how a Daily Caller reporter attempted to get Fauci on the record for his role in the genesis of the COVID epidemic by supporting gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

When this occurred, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre yelled at the reporter and refused to let her interview, Dr. Fauci.

“So a reporter from the Daily Caller decided to ask Fauci about this because how could you not ask? Were you involved in creating this virus? Where did this come from? Shouldn’t we know? Millions have died and you wrecked our economy,” Carlson noted.

“But you’re not allowed to ask that question because then Joe Biden’s glass-ceiling shattering publicist shut the whole thing down.”

Carlson expressed disappointment that no one in the press corps, with the exception of Today News Africa White House Chief Correspondent Simon Ateba, stood up to Jean-Pierre.

“It’s unbelievable, and the rest of the supine press corps sit there with their weird little masks on and say nothing,” Carlson added.

“It’s left to some guy from Africa to point out the obvious, which is, what? This is the most legitimate question there is. Where did COVID come from and what are you doing to find out? Shut up.”

But Dr. Fauci cannot avoid accountability indefinitely.

The new Republican majority promised to question Dr. Fauci and force him to come clean.

And even a number of Democrat Representatives in rural districts are under pressure from their constituents to hold Dr. Fauci accountable.

At best, Fauci misled the nation to some degree of significance during his “leadership” as the highest-paid U.S. official.

And at worst he intentionally lied for his own gain and the benefit of the political agenda he finds himself more closely aligned with.

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