Joe Biden just sent the Supreme Court a disturbing warning
Biden is at his wits’ end with the conservative Justices on the Court. Now he’s going scorched earth.
And Joe Biden just sent the Supreme Court this disturbing warning.
The Supreme Court plays an important role in checking the power of the executive and legislative branches of government.
Frankly, without the conservatives on the Court, this country would look far different (and worse) than it is today – and that’s saying something.
But Biden doesn’t like have his party’s agenda frustrated at every turn, so he’s resorted to just ignoring their rulings.
A little over a month ago, the Supreme Court struck down so-called “affirmative action” for use in college admissions.
That is, the Court said you can’t judge an applicants race as a factor for their chances to be accepted. Seems reasonable, right?
Well, according to Biden, “This is not a normal court.”
At the time, the president advocated a “new standard” for college admissions, “where colleges take into account the adversity a student has overcome.” He stated that he would order the Department of Education to explore new avenues for promoting diversity in higher education.
According to Biden officials, nothing in the Supreme Court’s order stops schools from taking various initiatives to guarantee a diverse student body.
And on Monday, Biden administration officials advised colleges and universities on how to avoid the Supreme Court’s rule that virtually prohibited racial considerations in admissions, saying schools should evaluate applicants’ writings on race and abandon “legacy” programs.
The Education and Justice departments issued non-binding memos arguing for a continued emphasis on recruiting minorities and encouraging college admissions offices to evaluate an applicant’s “individual background and attributes.”
“The resources issued by the Biden-Harris administration today will provide college leaders with much-needed clarity on how they can lawfully promote and support diversity, and expand access to educational opportunity for all following the Supreme Court’s disappointing ruling on affirmative action,” said Education Secretary Miguel Cardona.
“For higher education to be an engine for equal opportunity, upward mobility and global competitiveness, we need campus communities that reflect the beautiful diversity of our country.”
According to the recommendations, institutions should review if application costs, standardized testing requirements, necessary courses like calculus, or early decision timeframes “are inadvertently screening out students who would thrive and contribute greatly on campus.”
The administration also discusses how college admissions offices might examine an applicant’s race.
“For example, a university could consider an applicant’s explanation about what it means to him to be the first Black violinist in his city’s youth orchestra or an applicant’s account of overcoming prejudice when she transferred to a rural high school where she was the only student of South Asian descent,” the guidance states.
“An institution could likewise consider a guidance counselor or other recommender’s description of how an applicant conquered her feelings of isolation as a Latina student at an overwhelmingly white high school to join the debate team,” it says.
Wouldn’t you love if the Biden administration put as much effort into securing the border and boosting the economy as they do into pushing institutional racism?
We would, too.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.