Presidential candidate with mafia connections drops a 2024 election bomb
Election years in America have devolved into chaos. Especially presidential election years.
And now a presidential candidate with mafia connections dropped a 2024 election bomb.
The presidential election seems to be coming down to just two individuals. Those two obviously being Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
While those two men are really the only people with a significant shot at winning a second term in the Oval Office this November, that doesn’t mean that there’s no other contenders who can make a splash at the ballot box.
Just look at Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for example. He’s polling way better than Joe Biden and the Democrats would like, and his fan base skews way more on Joe Biden’s voting base than Donald Trump’s. Votes for the nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy would disproportionately impact Biden than Trump.
But he’s not the only one looking to potentially throw the 2024 presidential election into chaos. Now a former Republican candidate is looking to shake things up.
Chris Christie was running for president until he suspended his campaign at the beginning of 2024 in January, unable to see a real path forward for the Republican nomination.
That being said, new reports indicate he may still be getting involved for the general election season as a presidential candidate in a move that no one would’ve seen coming.
In an interview with David Axelrod last week, Chris Christie wouldn’t rule out the possibility of running as a third party candidate for the No Labels movement, a “non-partisan” organization designed to provide an alternative to the primary two dominant political parties.
“You know, I think the way I would look at it is, I will do whatever I can to try to make sure that the country doesn’t go through what I think will be the misery of a second Trump term,” Chris Christie shared with David Axelrod.
Then he added that there are a few things he’d need to figure out before being able to actually jump into the race.
“But I wouldn’t preclude anything at this point. I would just say that there are a number of hurdles to get over before I would actually consider running as a third-party,” Christie went on to say.
The former New Jersey governor went on to say that he is “discussing” the matter with his wife.
As the DC Daily Journal has previously reported on, Chris Christie has a troubled past as the governor of New Jersey. Some of that past includes connections to the mafia.
Chris Christie has always been self-interested, and a move to run as a third-party candidate is likely not about actually winning a term in the Oval Office.
How could it be? There’s no chance he’d actually win. The reality is that he’d be just a thorn in the side of Donald Trump come November. He wouldn’t be pulling votes away from Joe Biden, only Donald Trump.
While Donald Trump has dominated the Republican primary race, there’s no guarantee that some of his “on-the-fence” supporters from 2016 and 2020 would be behind him if given the opportunity to support an alternative in 2024.
Whether Donald Trump likes it or not, he gave conservatives reason for concern about a second term when he played along with the pandemic panic madness that literally side-stepped constitutional rights for the sake of government power during a “health crisis.”
Obviously, Chris Christie is just a RINO and would be no better. But Donald Trump needs all the support he can get to win a second term in the White House and pick up where he left off after leaving office in January 2021.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.