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The Pelosi family has been deeply entrenched in the Washington, D.C. Swamp for decades. Even Nancy Pelosi’s daughter is rumored to take up her mother’s role in the near future.

But now a CIA official has revealed the truth about the Pelosis that changes everything.

The connections between the Democrat Party and the Pelosi family goes all the way back to the 1960s when Nancy Pelosi’s brother Thomas became the Baltimore City Council president as a Democrat in 1967.

Since then for nearly sixty years, the Pelosis have carried massive amounts of power in Washington, D.C., and California politics.

When Americans express disgust with the Washington, D.C. “Swamp”, there’s probably a no better example than the likes of Nancy Pelosi and her family.

Many Americans feel like they play by a different rule set that will always protect them in the end and that they will always abuse their elected power to ensure that’s the case.

That’s precisely why Donald Trump became so popular in 2016 as a political outsider promising to shake the status quo up.

But it’s not just Donald Trump and his voters who think the D.C. families are figuratively getting away with murder.

Recently, a former CIA official – Buck Sexton – went on Fox News to discuss the Paul Pelosi attack that the Leftist media has been seizing over for weeks.

Sexton would go on to note how this attack is being used by the Democrats and the Fake News Media to support a narrative that the mere existence of conservatives and Republicans incites violence.

He said it’s “all about activism” and that “it’s all about the support of the partisan narrative in the moment.”

“I think it’s pretty straightforward,” Sexton said on Fox.

“This is yet again the American people being shown what the rules of so-called journalism are: Liars get Pulitzers and truth tellers get fired – or in this case, suspended – because it’s all about activism.”

Sexton would support his claim by saying that he saw this happen firsthand as the Hunter Biden laptop story was brushed under the rug, in his opinion, intentionally.

“I mean, as a former intelligence officer watching those clips of people saying that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation… they were certainly trying to destroy it there, and they did a good job of it.”

You can watch the full segment on the Paul Pelosi attack below. The Sexton segment comes on at around the 3:30 mark.

Of course, the truth is that conservatives and “MAGA Republicans” had nothing to do with the attack on Paul Pelosi at all.

And Sexton is right that the Fake News Media is juicing it as much as possible for sympathy votes and the demonization of conservatives.

The unexciting reality is that Paul Pelosi’s attacker David DePape was a mentally unwell radical “progressive” who acted alone.

As Ronald Reagan once said, “We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.”

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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