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Democrats across the country want to shove their ideologies down people’s throats. But this Republican is making sure that won’t happen in his state.

And the radical Left is furious after this GOP governor tore their latest agenda to pieces.

For years the Left claimed that they didn’t want to push the LGBTQ agenda on anyone who didn’t want it.

They simply said that LGBTQ individuals wanted to be left alone and to live freely.

But now they are going back on those words and are trying to push that harmful agenda on every U.S. citizen, including children.

The transgender movement especially is being pushed on kids, with some radical Leftist parents encouraging their children to undergo hormone therapy or to mutilate their bodies through irreversible surgery that would “change” their gender.

But this Republican governor is putting a stop to that.

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster (R) has just signed a “Help Not Harm” law which would protect children from these dangerous and harmful transgender procedures.

The law also states that parents are required to be told by teachers (elementary through high school) if their children are toying with the idea of identifying as transgender.

Right now, only individuals under 18 are protected by the new law.

“If they want to make those decisions later when they’re adults, then that’s a different story, but we must protect our young people from irreversible [medical] decisions,” said Gov. McMaster.

McMaster isn’t the only GOP governor who is taking a stand against radical transgenderism being forced onto children.

Govs. Chris Sununu (R-NH) and Jeff Landry (R-LA) are also likely to sign pieces of legislation into law similar to the one McMaster signed.

The mainstream media was predictably critical of South Carolina’s “Help Not Harm” bill.

“South Carolina governor signs into law ban on gender-affirming care for transgender minors,” the Associated Press said.

“South Carolina Bans Gender Transition Care for Minors,” the New York Times stated.

The Left and their pals in the media want to frame this new law as a ban on human rights.

That couldn’t be further from the truth. Gov. McMaster simply wants to insure that children are safe from the harmful and damaging transgender treatments that Democrats and the LGBTQ community claim are beneficial.

Based off a recent federal study, individuals who get “gender-affirming” surgery have a 3.35% increase in their chances at death. 9.88% are more likely to participate in some sort of self-harm.

7.76% of people who have “gender-affirming” surgery also have a higher chance at getting post-traumatic stress disorder.

So no, McMaster is not trying to take away human rights. He’s simply trying to protect kids from a dangerous ideology that has devastating consequences.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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