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The Afghanistan pullout disaster was the first major trigger of Joe Biden’s Presidency tanking. His foreign policy failures have only gotten worse, though.

And now Joe Biden has a hostage situation on his hands that the media won’t tell you about.

The three biggest disappointments of the Biden administration so far in the eyes of Americans are Biden’s failures on inflation, the southern border crisis, and the Afghanistan pullout.

Polls have shown that Americans simply don’t trust Biden and the Democrats to right the wrongs of those issues.

Some of these issues are deeply connected to each other as well, like inflationary gas prices and Biden’s foreign policy.

President Biden has been under intense pressure to desperately bring down the prices of gas prices before Americans kick almost all Democrats out of power in the November elections.

As a result, he’s been willing to play international political games at the expense of American interests.

A prime example is none other than Saad Almadi, an American who has been sentenced to prison for 16 years at the age of 72 years old in Saudi Arabia. Reports indicate he’s also subject to torture.

His crime? He criticized the Saudi ruler, Prince Mohammad bin Salman on Twitter.

What makes this egregious act by Saudi Arabia’s particularly bad for the Biden admin is that Joe Biden has been in close talks with Saudi Arabia concerning oil.

And all this time, Biden’s State Department has told Saad’s son, Ibrahim, to stay silent on the issue.

They say it was to keep his father safe while the case was negotiated, but Ibrahim argues that Biden’s State Department never cared about his father all along and sold him out for oil.

“He sold my father for oil, that’s clear to us. Especially when we saw the news last week about how they requested to delay the OPEC [oil production cuts] decision a month [until after the election],” Ibrahim Almadi told The New York Post.

Saad’s son Ibrahim continued to rip Biden saying he only cares about votes and that the White House is a disgrace now.

“Biden just cares about votes. He doesn’t care about my father, he doesn’t care about American citizens,” Ibrahim continued to share with the New York Post. “He got sold for oil, but they didn’t receive the oil. So there is no father, no oil. There’s nothing — there is only shame, that is what the White House has got now.”

The State Department says that they have brought up the issue with the Saudi Arabian officials now.

But apparently, someone at the State Department finds this issue funny. Almadi noted that his father wouldn’t be able to vote in American elections while he was imprisoned, and Ibrahim alleges that the State Department laughed at him and told him that his father should request a paper ballot.

“I am Democratic myself. I voted for Biden, which is a stupid mistake I did,” Ibrahim said. “My father’s a Republican registered voter. He wants to participate in the coming election. They laughed and said that your father should request a paper ballot.”

And even worse is that Almadi voted for Biden and now can’t stand him.

But this is a trend that is a major problem for Biden and the Democrats right now.

Millions of Americans feel the same way like Biden is messing everything up, almost intentionally. And as a result, Republicans might take a strong control back of Washington, D.C. by 2024.

It’s truly insane that we have a President who doesn’t care to help an American effectively held hostage in a foreign nation. Hopefully, Ibrahim’s father finds his way out of prison in Saudi Arabia.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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