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Democrats are known for their lies, but they usually try to hide just how wrong they are. Apparently, not everyone got the memo.

And now Democrats caught red-handed in insane lying scheme.

The Democrat party loves to shout at anyone who disagrees with their radical ideas to “follow the science” and “trust the experts.”

Whether it’s voicing concern over experimental COVID vaccines or questioning the Left’s claim that we must get rid of all fossil fuels lest the world explodes, Democrats require everyone to march in lockstep.

But their hypocrisy is on display for all to see thanks to Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.

Abrams made headlines in September for claiming that the fetal heartbeat detected on ultrasounds are “manufactured sound” used to oppress women.

“There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks,” Abrams said in September. “It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman’s body in place of her.”

But now Abrams is claiming that we don’t even know when a woman is pregnant.

When asked on a recent appearance on Fox News what she believed would be an acceptable limit for abortion restrictions, Abrams refused to answer the question directly.

Instead, she called any limit arbitrary, saying that the point of viability is a decision made by a doctor, not a biological reality.

“What I’ve always said is that abortion is a medical decision that should be made by a doctor and the woman, and that the point of viability, as determined by a doctor, should always take into consideration the life and health of the woman,” Abrams said.

She also went on to say “it is a fallacy we know exactly when a pregnancy starts.”

“That should be the standard. But the arbitrary standards of timelines ignore the medical reality that it is a fallacy we know exactly when a pregnancy starts, that we know exactly where we are in the system – I mean in the term.”

She then trotted out the tired narrative that without abortion, women will die and their futures be ruined, something that is not borne out by data.

“What doctors will tell you is that they need to make decisions based on the woman they are treating,” she continued. “And what women will tell you is that they need the right to make the medical decisions that can save their lives and save their ability to control their bodies and their futures.”

Stacey Abrams’ latest denial of the biological fact that human life begins at conception and that their heart beats at or around six weeks just shows how the Left doesn’t care about science.

They only pull the science card when they can use it to shut people up over legitimate scientific concerns.

But when it comes to killing children in the womb, they won’t even mention that 96% of biologists agree that life begins at conception.

In their minds, reality must bow to their political agenda.

Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.

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