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There’s no way Merrick Garland could’ve expected this. He was completely blindsided.

Because the DOJ is on red alert after receiving this letter.

While US Attorney General Merrick Garland has assigned special counsels to look into how President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump handled sensitive data, he has not appointed one to look into Hunter Biden, which has House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) perplexed.

So, Jordan issued a letter to AG Garland on Tuesday asking for access to specific records so that he could better grasp the situation and oversee Biden’s Department of Justice.

Jordan is the chairman of the influential Judiciary Committee, which has the authority to demand answers.

“The Department’s investigation of Hunter Biden, son of President Biden, raises the appearance of a conflict of interest that would necessitate special counsel protections and authorities,” Chairman Jordan writes in his memo to Garland.

“However, to date, you have declined to appoint a special counsel in this matter, despite appointing special counsels in other investigations.” the letter continued

There is a special counsel looking into Joe Biden’s sloppy handling of sensitive papers when he served as vice president and a senator of the United States.

Why shouldn’t there also be one looking into Hunter Biden who has obviously been involved in his own scandals and is known to be close to his immediately family members including his father?

“Your refusal to appoint a special counsel here is conspicuous in this context,” Jordan added.

Jordan requested Garland for the relevant records and correspondence in order to strengthen the Judiciary Committee’s supervision.

The two items Jim Jordan requested are listed below.

1. All documents and communications sent or received by David Weiss or any employee of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware referring or relating to special counsel status for the investigation concerning Hunter Biden.

2. All documents and communications between or among employees of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware and employees of any other U.S. Attorney’s Office with venue to bring charges against Hunter Biden or his associates in that jurisdiction.

Chairman Jordan gave the Attorney General Garland two weeks to respond to his “as soon as possible” request for this material.

With their re-establishment as the majority party in the lower house of Congress, House Republicans have made it clear that they are not playing around.

After two years of inattentive Democrat “oversight” the number of areas in which the Judiciary Committee, Oversight, and other committees aim to shed some light on the Biden administration’s maneuvers is welcome.

It does seem strange that a special counsel would be required to investigate Biden but not to probe his adult son, who is close to and has been financially supported by his father. We’ll have to wait and see what Chairman Jordan’s request from the Department of Justice reveals.

Merrick Garland is gonig to have to walk the tight rope on this one. If he shrugs legitimate concerns from Jim Jordan off, that will appear like he’s just playing political games to defend Joe Biden and his family.

But if he crosses Joe Biden, he will quickly be axed from the DOJ.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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