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Since 2016, Hillary Clinton has been lurking in the shadows of the Democrat Party. Some argue she’s prepping to make her political comeback.

But Hillary Clinton started foaming at the mouth over what this former Clinton advisor had to say about her future.

With the 2022 midterm elections proving to be a wash for both major political parties, Congress will continue to be nearly evenly divided for another two years.

Because of that, all eyes are already shifting to the 2024 election cycle where – once again – all the chips will be on the table for power in Washington, D.C.

The vulnerability of the Joe Biden presidency is hard to ignore with his administration seeing abysmal approval ratings in the low 40s and 30s for a year now.

Many political experts are arguing that whichever major political party has the best Presidential candidate will have the best chance at gaining solid control over Congress.

Which is precisely why Democrats are freaking out about Joe Biden running again in 2024.

Even so-called “progressive” outlets are calling for Biden to at least drop Kamala Harris in 2024 because she’s been even more unpopular than Biden, which is truly saying something.

Now with Donald Trump running again and the potential for DeSantis to jump into the race, it’s only going to get hotter and hotter.

The former Clinton advisor Dick Morris recently predicted that Hillary Clinton would jump into the 2024 presidential race to “save” the Democrat Party.

Now Dick Morris has a major reality check for Hillary Clinton, should that be true.

Morris argues that DeSantis should “keep his powder dry” and run in 2028 when he will likely win in a landslide due to his extreme popularity.

“He has a clear choice: He has an option of running in 2028, and winning the nomination, and probably winning the election and having eight years to serve as president; or running in 2024 and run into the teeth of a meat grinder,” Morris said to Newsmax.

That would set up Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton for a rematch of the 2016 election, when Trump shocked the world with his upset win over Clinton.

Morris predicts that Trump will win the 2024 election and do so by winning the Latino vote and the blue-collar vote.

“I predicted in my book, ‘The Return: Trump’s Big 2024 Comeback,’ exactly how Trump will go about winning, what his plan is, the way he will put together a majority, the way he’ll get the Latino vote, blue-collar white vote, the way he will challenge the Democrats and RINO Republicans in key states,” Morris noted.

A rematch of the 2016 election would certainly be something very few people saw coming.

But it also makes a ton of sense.

Republican infighting between Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump wouldn’t help their chances at all and only serves to help the Democrats’ agenda, which is why many like Morris are saying DeSantis might just wait it out for 2028.

And on the Democrats’ side, everyone knows Joe Biden is maybe the most vulnerable incumbent President of the last 40 years.

So Hillary Clinton stepping in to give the Democrats a better chance at winning the White House isn’t far-fetched at all.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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