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Conservative commentator Tucker Carlson is known for his no-holds-barred approach to the radical Left. That’s why Democrats are so keen on shutting him up.

And Tucker Carlson just uncovered this massive bombshell that could bring Biden down.

Joe Biden is going off the rails. Whether it’s trying to buy off voters with illegal student debt forgiveness, jacking up prices with record-breaking inflation, or calling every political opponent of his a “semi-fascist,” things aren’t looking good for him.

One area of Joe Biden’s administration that most media outlets won’t talk about is his foreign policy. And after his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that left billions of dollars of equipment in the hands of terrorists, why would they?

But things are looking bleak in Eastern Europe, where Russia invaded Ukraine earlier this year.

Although the Ukrainians are starting to take the fight to the Russians, reclaiming much of the northern territory seized by Russia, reports have come out of massive natural gas leaks in the Baltic Sea.

The Nord Stream pipelines deliver natural gas from Russia to Germany, and after explosions rung out on Monday severely damaging them.

Leaders across the West were eager to point the blame at Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia. But Tucker Carlson argued something more sinister could be at play.

He simply asked why Vladimir Putin would blow up his own pipelines.

“If you are Vladimir Putin you would have to be a suicidal moron to blow up your own energy pipeline—that’s one thing you would never do,” Carlson said. “Natural gas pipelines are the main source of your power and wealth. And most critically, your leverage over other countries.”

Carlson reminded his viewers that other countries could have considered doing it, but only the U.S. has expressed this publicly.

“Blowing up Nord Stream does not help Vladimir Putin,” he added. “He would not do that. Why would he? But that doesn’t mean that other countries wouldn’t consider doing it. They would consider it and we know they have considered it, because at least one of them has said so in public.”

He pointed out a speech given by Joe Biden back in February where he said that he would “put an end” to the Nord Stream pipelines if Putin decided to invade Ukraine.

When a journalist asked how the U.S. could “end” the pipeline, Biden didn’t go into specifics, only responding, “I promise you, we will be able to do it.”

“Notice how he phrased that,” Carlson said after playing the clip. “He didn’t say, ‘I will pause the delivery of gas from Russia to Germany.’ He said there won’t be a Nord Stream 2. We’ll put an end to it. We’ll take it out. We’ll blow it up.”

Of course, if this was a deliberate provocation by Joe Biden, we will likely never find out.

But some American allies are pointing to the possibility with Radek Sikorski, a Polish member of European Parliament and the former defense minister of Poland, tweeting, “Thank you, USA” on Tuesday alongside a photo of gas leaking into the sea.

Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.

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