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Joe Biden has done actions and made comments towards women and children that has raised eyebrows in the past. It’s almost like he can’t help himself.

And Creepy Joe Biden is at it again in this latest viral video.

Ever since Joe Biden became Vice President under Barack Obama, people have questioned some of his behavior.

In the past he has appeared to sniff childrens’ heads and even talkd about kids rubbing his legs in the pool when he was a young man.

He’s been caught on camera grabbing the shoulders of women from behind and whispering things in their ears.

And Joe Biden was just filmed doing it again.

During an event at Irvine Valley College, Joe Biden grabbed a young girl by the shoulders and gave her unsolicited dating advice.

“President Joe Biden grabs a young girl by the shoulder and tells her ‘no serious guys till you’re 30’ as she looks back appearing uncomfortable,” Turning Point USA Frontlines reporter Kalen D’Almeida captioned the disturbing video.

“Secret Service appears to try to stop me from filming it after Biden spoke at Irvine Valley Community College,” D’Almeida said.

“Now, a very important thing I’ve told my daughters and granddaughters,” Biden says in the video, while putting his hands on a young girl’s shoulders, “no serious guys until you’re 30.”

One girl in the crowd shouted “What?” at Biden after he made the remarks.

Biden shot back “No serious guys ’til you’re 30.”

Biden just can’t seem to keep his hands off children.

Back in July, Biden was criticized for his actions in another video for holding the shoulders of another young girl and whispering in her ear.

What makes Joe’s actions all the more concerning is that he has been accused by eight different women of sexual misconduct.

Tara Reade, a former assistant in Biden’s Senate office, claimed he sexually assaulted her almost three decades ago in 1993.

“Yeah, and he went down my skirt but then up inside it, and he penetrated me with his fingers, and he was kissing me at the same time, and he was saying something to me,” Reade claimed. “He said several things. I can’t remember everything he said.”

I think we all can agree it would be better if Creepy Joe kept his hands to himself.

Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.

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