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As the leading law enforcement agency in the country, the FBI is supposed to investigate and prosecute the nation’s worst crimes. Now we’re learning they’ll sweep anything under the rug for their political allies.

And the FBI just turned a blind eye to this terrorist attack.

With the midterms less than a month away, the Democrats are trying to pretend that they are the part of law and order.

They’ve even gone so far as to accuse the Republicans of wanting to “defund the police” after revelations the FBI has targeted conservatives with SWAT style raids and broke into Donald Trump’s home.

Not only that, but the FBI has been accused of running PR for the Biden family by sweeping the Hunter Biden laptop story under the rug in the lead-up to the 2020 election.

To them, we’re supposed to applaud politically motivated moves by supposedly unbiased law enforcement agencies.

And this doesn’t even touch on the fact that the Left campaigned on defunding the police in 2020 during the height of the Black Lives Matter riots.

But one story has completely shattered the illusion that the FBI is a non-partisan policing force.

Before and in the wake of the Dobbs v. Jackson decision which overturned Roe v. Wade and allowed states to restrict abortion, dozens of pro-life centers and churches were attacked.

These attacks were a coordinated effort by an organization self-titled, “Jane’s Revenge.”

One of the first attacks took place in Wisconsin, where Wisconsin Family Action had it’s pro-life clinic firebombed by an “elitist anarchist group” working with Jane’s Revenge.

Jane’s Revenge claimed responsibility for the attack, calling the firebombing “just a warning” and saying in no uncertain terms that their reign of terror would continue: “We demand the disbanding of all anti-choice establishments, fake clinics and violent anti-choice groups within the next 30 days.”

It was so bad that even Joe Biden couldn’t hide from the story and released a statement condemning the violence.

But the pro-life organization hasn’t heard back from the FBI about investigating the terrorist attack.

Wisconsin Family Council and Action President Julaine Appling said “When the original investigation was done on the day of the attack, May 8, a representative from the FBI and a representative from ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives] were both there.”

As the Daily Signal reports:

Appling is not sure whether the FBI and ATF took pictures but presumes that they did since ‘they were behind closed doors all day long.’ Neither agency immediately responded to requests for comment for this story.

‘Never anything in writing,’ she added. ‘[The FBI] called one time to check on a phone number … that was mid to late May. Crickets since then.’

‘Nothing from ATF,’ she added, noting that it is taking care of the physical evidence. ‘Zero.’

At least 86 Catholic Churches and 73 pro-life centers have been attacked since the Dobbs decision, yet the FBI has not said whether any arrests have been made.

And don’t expect that to change anytime soon.

Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.

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