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Democrat and so-called “progressive” politics has been funded by billionaire elites for decades. George Soros has become their biggest financier.

But George Soros just struck Ron DeSantis in this move no one saw coming.

The Democrats have long whined about major Republican donors swooping in to save GOP candidates at the last minute in October with blank checks to run as much advertising as they can.

But the truth is that the Democrat Party is guilty of much worse.

Their billionaire elites scheme years in advance for their next political prey or political goals.

Their Democrat elites leaked said schemes over the past few years which include plans to flip red states like Texas, West Virginia, and North Carolina to deep blue territories with an influx of blue voters and redistricting.

No one comes close to funding the progressive agenda compared to billionaire George Soros, however.

Soros has long used his Open Network Society to keep his Democrat lackeys on track to accomplish their globalist goals.

The latest instance has been waging a war with Flordia’s popular Republican Governor, Ron DeSantis.

According to reports, the radical Leftist group of Lawyers – Lawyers for Civil Rights – that’s filed a lawsuit against Ron DeSantis on behalf of illegal immigrants that were voluntarily flown to Martha’s Vineyard has received almost $1.4 million from Soros’s Open Society Network.

That’s right. Soros is funding the illegal immigrants suing a popular Republican Governor to chop him down at the knees.

Fox News reports:

Alianza Americas has received a total of $1,383,947 from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations between 2016 and 2020, OSF’s records show.

The grants came from three of his nonprofits: Open Society Institute, Open Society Policy Center, and Foundation to Promote Open Society.

The grants were to support policy advocacy on immigration, a Global Compact for Migration initiative and to strengthen the group’s international work in Central America and Mexico.

As some have pointed out, it’s odd that illegal immigrants are even allowed to be represented in a lawsuit in a country they aren’t even legally allowed to be in right now.

But this is par for the course for the so-called “progressive” Left.

They don’t care how they do it, they just want conservative Republicans like Ron DeSantis kicked out of office and knocked out of the way so they can ram their radical agenda down the throats of Americans.

Obviously, they view DeSantis as a major threat to preventing them from being able to do that.

As they should.

DeSantis is extremely popular with the general American public because he’s put Americans by rejecting COVID-19 economic shutdowns, LGBT brainwashing of children, and now the open border scandals of the Biden administration.

He does all of that with class that attracts favorability in the eyes of Americans. And that’s what makes him a target for Soros.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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