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Biden’s DOJ and FBI spiraled out of control in the past 6 months. But it’s about to get a lot worse.

Because Adam Schiff just ordered Biden’s DOJ to do the unthinkable to Donald Trump.

Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) demanded that the Justice Department bring charges against Donald Trump when speaking on KTTA’s The Issue Is.

He even went so far as to say that doing nothing would be “dangerous.”

“The charges they recommended that Donald Trump face are obstructing Congress from certifying the Electoral College, conspiracy to send fake electoral votes, lying to investigators, and stoking an insurrection,” Schiff said after listing the “findings” of the January 6 witch hunt committee.

Schiff went so far as to suggest that Mike Pence’s objection to charging Trump with a crime was motivated by politics.

“Well, you know, first of all, Mike Pence wants to run for President, and he doesn’t want to alienate the supporters of Donald Trump. So this is his way, I suppose, of trying to have it both ways. It would be too dangerous not to if the department believes that there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt that he committed crimes. We cannot have a situation in this country where a President is above the law or anyone else for that matter,” Schiff claimed.

This remark is absurd on several levels.

Pence has largely already turned off Trump supporters.

Second, almost no one believes that Mike Pence will secure the Republican nomination in 2024.

Regarding the accusations against Trump, Pence merely stated, “I think that would be terribly divisive.”

It would be an understatement to say that such a move would be “divisive”.

It would be a massive abuse of authority.

The actual threat is that the storm troopers of the Democrat Party are getting closer to engulfing our federal law enforcement organizations.

We are dangerously near to that reality, even without a partisan prosecution of Trump.

The January 6 committee has been the focus of corporate-controlled media’s efforts to divert Americans’ attention, but the Twitter Files have exposed one of the largest scandals in history.

To influence the 2020 election in Joe Biden’s direction, the FBI and other federal agencies worked along with Big Tech.

It’s quite alarming that the Left not only doesn’t seem to care about this but also calls for the imprisonment of a former president who is currently running for office.

Law enforcement and intelligence services interfering in elections and imprisoning political opponents are not supposed to occur in free societies.

These are the traits of authoritarian one-party systems.

Every American should be horrified by the Left’s willingness to use such harsh tactics in order to forward their goals.

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