Nancy Pelosi’s face went colorless when she saw her results
Under Nancy Pelosi’s Democrat leadership, the House of Representatives has hardly lifted a finger for the past few years. It’s led many to wonder if Pelosi is still fit to hold office.
But that all changed when Nancy Pelosi’s face went colorless when she saw her results.
When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi assumed her Democrat leadership role in 2018, she promised that the Democrats would dramatically flip the Senate.
That didn’t happen, as the Senate is stuck in a 50-50 gridlock.
Then she and Schumer proclaimed they would pass meaningful legislation with Biden in office to sign off on their every whim.
So far, that’s also not happened.
The only significant legislation being passed during Biden’s tenure has been massive tax-and-spend boondoggles that thrust America further into debt than ever before.
Many Americans are simply put up with the Democrats and their poor leadership and do-nothing style in Congress right now.
According to a recent NBC poll, nearly 60% of voters say that cost of living and the economy is their most important issue in deciding who to vote for right now.
And in deciding which major political party is better equipped to handle the economy right now, Republicans demolished their Democrat counterparts.
47% of respondents said Republicans were best equipped to handle economic issues whereas just 28% gave their nod to Democrats.
The NBC poll indicates that the Republicans and the Democrats are in a dead heat come this November.
But it’s hard to imagine the Democrats faring as well as the Republicans right now considering just how many Americans are feeling the failures on the economy from Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer.
The poll also reported that 63% of voters believe that their income is not keeping up with the skyrocketing costs of living.
That can be largely attributed to how poorly Joe Biden is scoring with independents.
Only 36% of independents say that they approve of Joe Biden’s job performance thus far, which is almost always a political disaster for the incumbent party during election years.
The economy isn’t the only issue that Republicans are dominating on right now.
The only issue where either party was met with a greater than 50% favorability in handling was border security, where Republicans dominated with a 56% favorability compared to the Democrat’s 20%.
That’s downright embarrassing.
Republicans dramatically led Democrats on border security, the economy, immigration, crime, protecting constitutional rights, and the cost of living.
Interestingly, when asked about which party handles bringing the country together better, Republicans still led democrats from 33% to 27%.
That just flies in the face of the idea that MAGA Republicans are “tearing” the country apart like the rhetoric from Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and most recently Joe Biden would indicate.
All of this seems to indicate that at least the House of representatives will be flipping this November. But we could be in for another 50-50 tie in the Senate.
Even if Democrats somehow manage to hold on to their majority in the House, there’s murmuring that Pelosi will be kicked out of her role as Speaker anyway.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.