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Many Americans are more than happy that Dr. Anthony Fauci will be retiring at the end of this year. But he’s making his rounds on television for a few more moments of fame before he leaves his post.

That’s when Fauci went on Fox News and said the dumbest thing you’ll ever hear.

Roll back the clocks to March 2020, and Dr. Fauci and his fellow so-called “medical experts,” announced that Americans would need to quarantine for 2-3 weeks to “stop the spread.”

Their reasoning was that Americans just had to prevent the virus from spreading anymore to help hospitals and clinics keep from being overwhelmed.

Well, everyone and their mother knows that didn’t work.

It’s so laughable that anyone even thought that it would work that many Americans made a joke of it.

Constitutional conservatives like Ron DeSantis eventually stood up to the nonsense to prevent anything like this from happening again.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, on the other hand, just doesn’t know when to keep quiet.

He recently appeared on Fox News in a ring of media appearances, likely as a farewell tour to keep inflating his ego before he leaves.

While on the network with Neil Cavuto, Fauci falsely implied that Cavuto said Fauci personally shutdown the entire country.

Neil Cavuto asked, “So, looking back at some of those decisions, including masks – you were first opposed to them and then embraced them – the severity of the epidemic itself and completely shutting down virtually an entire American economy. Do you regret the shutdown, the sweeping shutdown that some said made things worse?”

Fauci defensively responded, “No, I don’t, Neil. And in fact, I think we need to make sure that your listeners understand, I didn’t shut down anything.”

Way more embarrassing than that, however, was what Fauci said next.

Fauci admitted that he and his colleague Dr. Birx literally came up with the “15 days to stop the spread” idea.

“And when Dr. Birx and I came with the proposal that we take 15 days to essentially get to the point where we slow, if not shut some things down, not completely. The record will show that we didn’t shut things down. We wanted to cause a pause, if you’ll remember the terminology, to flatten the curve,” Fauci added.

The “15 days to stop the spread” idea was foolish from the start.

Fauci admitting to it being his idea is wildly embarrassing.

Of course, we know that much of the shutdowns and vaccine requirements were politically motivated.

But Fauci is stuck with either admitting that his ideas were downright stupid, or that his actions were politically motivated.

Maybe it’s a little bit of both.

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