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Biden has been bailing water since taking office as his Presidency has proven to be an unmitigated disaster for the American people. His constant missteps have caused supply shortages and massive inflation.

But nothing could prepare him for this latest report exposing his catastrophic failure putting millions of Americans at risk.

No one can deny that the southern border is being flooded by millions of illegal immigrants every year.

These criminals are bringing disease, crime, and even terrorism along with them.

And the radical progressives on the Left are cheering on the destruction of our borders and our sovereignty along with it, while President Biden tries to sweep any negative reports under the rug.

But the latest report from the Department of Homeland Security is proving to be too big to hide.

The report found that in July 2022, over 2,071 pounds of fentanyl were seized from illegals coming in from Mexico.

Just 2 milligrams of fentanyl is considered enough to kill, which means July’s seizures would be enough to kill 470 million people!

That’s almost one and half times the entire US population.

And we’re already seeing the fruit of Biden’s tolerance of drug trafficking in San Diego, where fentanyl-related deaths have increased 2,375% from 2016 to 2021.

But the bad news doesn’t stop there.

The report also found that illegal crossings of immigrants totaled nearly 200,000 in July.

Not only that, but 10 people were detained who were in the terrorist screening database, bringing the total for the year to 66, with two months to go in the federal fiscal year.

In contrast, only 11 potential terrorists were found at the border for the entirety of former President Trump’s term of office.

Former chief of Border Patrol Rodney Scott describes these horrifying statistics as “beyond red flares. Those are rocket flashes going on.”

With Biden’s approval numbers in the toilet as the country’s southern border resembles a third world nation, this November is shaping up to be a bloodbath for Democrats.

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