What the Biden admin was caught doing to children will utterly disgust you
Millions of Americans already don’t like Joe Biden and his Democrat lackeys in D.C. But this is only going to make it so much worse.
Because what the Biden admin was just caught doing to children will leave you utterly disgusted.
The Fake News Media, Democrats, and the entire radical Left lost their minds when they found out that the Trump admin was detaining children at the souther border.
Of course this was nothing new and the Left’s propped up god Barack Obama had done the exact same thing.
But that didn’t prevent the Fake News Media from claiming that Trump was “literally Hitler” for “putting kids in cages” and “ripping families apart.”
You might remember the infamous meltdown MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow had on live television on this very topic.
This is the clip of Rachel Maddow in tears when she found out about the report of "tender age" shelters for babies and young children separated from their parents.pic.twitter.com/ELMj1ylrwT
— Erick Fernandez (@ErickFernandez) June 20, 2018
The reality was not as dramatic and juicy as the headlines wanted to make it out to be, it’s as simple as that.
But what the Biden admin is doing to children right now is nothing to be taken lightly, and is certainly not anything a previous president has been accused of before.
According to an exclusive report from Fox News, Republican Senators are claiming that the Biden admin’s Department of Health and Human services has been “knowingly” handing migrant children into the hands of known criminals and sex traffickers.
Fox News reports:
In letters to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (HSGAC) Chairman Gary Peters, D-Mich., first obtained by Fox News Digital, Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., and other GOP senators demand a hearing to investigate the shocking whistleblower claim.
“We write in response to recently reported claims by federal employee whistleblower that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is knowingly transferring unaccompanied migrant children in the custody of criminals, including sex traffickers,” the senators wrote.
The Senators who wrote the letter noted that these claims have to be addressed immediately to determine their legitimacy.
“This cannot be swept under the rug. Congress must immediately take action to stop the atrocities this whistleblower claims are being committed by the federal government itself,” the Senators wrote.
Fox News notes that the Senators cited a video from the former HHS employee, Tara Lee Rodas, where she describes how the government is “paying to put children in the hands of criminals.”
Earlier this year, Republican Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) took a trip down to the southern border and said she learned some despicable facts about how many women and children are being abused by the gangs there.
She said to Fox News that the Border Patrol told her that just from reports alone, “about 30% of the women and girls that are being trafficked by the cartels up to the border” are abused.
She added that the Border Patrol agents also feel like that number is probably closer to 60% because the former number is based on reports alone.
Certainly if a Republican president’s administration was accused of these atrocities, Democrats would be demanding investigations and subpoenas to be ordered that very minute.
The insecurity at the southern border is Joe Biden’s fault in the eyes of a ton of Americans already. This would simply make matters worse.
And if these claims are true, it doesn’t matter who the President is – Democrat or Republican – they should be impeached immediately.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal for updates on this breaking story.